440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: February 6, 2000 10:03 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Submit letter to Doctor Yamamoto at Kaiser on MRI for right knee.
2...Team Care Needs Support to Manage Medical Chart
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0201 - Kaiser Permanente O-00000652 0203
020101 - Dr. Vincent E. Yamamoto, M.D.; Orthopedic Surgon
020102 - Orthopedic Department O-00000652 0203
0202 - Kaiser Medical Center O-00000258 0702
020201 - Dr. Kory Zipperstein; 415 202 2207 (advice) O-00000258 0702
020202 - Injury/Office Surgery Appointments 415 202 2957; appts. 2291 O-00000258 0702
0203 - Kaiser Permanente - Shadelands O-00000718 0403
020301 - Walnut Creek, CA O-00000718 0403
020302 - Ms. Jeanne Bradley; Coordinator
020304 - Administration Department O-00000718 0403
Knee Examination by Orthopedist
MRI on Knees
Xrays on Knees, 990910
Patients Review Medical Chart
Multiple Medical Charts for Each Facility
Patient Communication Omitted from Medical Chart
Medical Chart Missing Information
Multiple Medical Charts Used Causes Confusion
Rosacia, 940624
1411 -
1411 - ..
1412 - Summary/Objective
1413 -
141301 - Follow up ref SDS 37 0000, ref SDS 36 0000.
141302 -
141303 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Vincent linked to record of our meeting on
141304 - 000124. ref SDS 37 0001
141306 - ..
141307 - Explain need to coordinate on whether there is any potential problem
141308 - taking Glucosamine and Chrondroitin, and also the treatment for
141309 - Rosacea cited in the record on 000124. ref SDS 37 2655
141311 - ..
141312 - Sent a copy to Kory for comment.
141314 - ..
141315 - Explain preference to use Craig for lead physician on this matter,
141316 - since he uses email. ref DIT 1 1344
141318 - ..
141319 - Sent copy to Craig and Jeanne.
141321 - ..
141322 - Sent ref DIT 2 0001 to Kory submitting the letter to Vincent asking
141323 - about possible conflict between rosocea treatment prescribed by Kory
141324 - on 940624, ref SDS 1 0001, with Glucosamine and Chrondroitin.
141325 - ref DIT 1 5280 Cited last telecon with Kory on 940920. ref SDS 3 5922
141326 - Cited recommended treatment by Craig on 990910. ref SDS 6 3120
141328 - ..
141329 - Requested prescription refill.
141330 -
141331 - [On 000216 Kory advised that research shows no evident conflict,
141332 - and he arranged for a re-fill on the prescription. ref SDS 40 0001]
141333 -
141334 - [On 041202 Doctor Parsley used email for timely, accurate
141335 - coordination between patient, primary care physician and surgeon on
141336 - follow up for emergency treatment that found biopsy wound that
141337 - failed to heal over 8 months. ref SDS 41 426W
141338 -
141339 -
141340 -
1414 -
Team Care
1604 -
160501 - ..
160502 - Team Care Needs Support to Manage Medical Chart
160503 -
160504 - Sent ref DIT 3 0001 to Jeanne transmitting the letters to Doctor
160505 - Yamamoto and Zipperstein, and responding to Jeanne's letter,
160506 - ref DRP 8 0001, received on 000121. ref SDS 36 0863
160507 -
160508 - Cited problem with Medical Chart. ref SDS 37 3862
160509 -
160510 - [On 000207 visited with Jeanne. ref SDS 39 0004
160512 - ..
160513 - Kaiser has difficulty accomplishing requirements for being prepared
160514 - and feedback, called "ping pong" set out in Kaiser's guidelines for
160515 - doctor, patient partnership, reported on 990625. ref SDS 5 5740
160516 - ..
160517 - Cited record on 990525 of engineers who just want to work on
160518 - technology. ref SDS 4 0966 Doctors need coordination support for
160519 - communication. ref DIT 3 0310
160521 - ..
160522 - Cited Sylvia's point on 990625 that doctors do not have time to follow
160523 - Kaiser's policy on communciation with the patient. ref SDS 5 1978
160525 - ..
160526 - Cited our discussion on 991101 about meaning drift. ref SDS 7 0857
160528 - ..
160529 - Cited report on 940728 where Doctor Zipperstein found the SDS record
160530 - was helpful and saved time. ref SDS 2 0001
160531 -
160532 -
160533 -
160534 -
160535 -
160536 -
1606 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"