Part 3    Phase I Technical Objectives

The following three (3) issues will be researched for development in Phase II...

  1. Search capability for the SDS record by subject accessible on the Internet.

    The Internet has many fine search capabilities, but none meet the POIMS criteria for assembling chains of related chronology, available in the SDS program, as explained in Part 2.

    The technical challenge is creating capability on the Internet to support organic subject structures that are used in SDS locally.

    This means pulling out of particular records portions ("chunks" of information) that are relevant to particular events, for example having the car serviced, or attending a meeting on project progress, but which pertain to specifically requested subjects. So, for example, if we want to know the history on tire replacements, or tire warranty provisions, or drive belt design life; or, if someone wants information on modifying a contract requirement for computer chips, or for a particular software program feature, or for procedures on expanding office space, hiring temporary help, etc, all of the history on any such particular low level subject, can be assembled, and at varying levels of detail.

    It is expected that a composite capability will emerge to enable people to embed hooks into the record in a manner similar to bookmark features in web browsers.

  2. Subject Indexing rules and processes implemented on the Internet.

    This is a major component of effective "intelligence" as defined in POIMS. Research is needed for enabling organizations and industries to define common knowledge structures that organize information to build and maintain shared meaning over time.

    The challenge will be to facilitate a two tier method so each user can benefit from the original organizational structure, and also be free to supplement that structure according to their own needs and experience. This requires a means to deliver a master indexing system. It may entail organizational procedures for normalizing indexes of common subjects at a high level.

    One deliverable may be guidance on curriculum for formal education to create, assign, cross-reference and manage subjects. Generally, this task is dismissed as "filing," but effective "intelligence" requires focused attention to avoid the malady of false knowledge. ISO, industry and standards agencies might become involved in providing a baseline process for accomplishing this technical objective.

    Some people propose putting together separate subject indexes by industry, e.g., farming, medicine, ship building, education, car manufacture, bio-tech, computers, law and so on. This may turn out to be a deliverable, but it is not the preferred goal, because experience shows these "common lists" don't work very well.

  3. Procedures for using "intelligence" delivered via Internet will be developed in the Phase II report, as...

    1. Clear, concise, complete communication

      On its face, this appears conflicting, however, it has proven to be very effective.

    2. Judicious review in following linked material.

    This effort will largely refine and formalize work that has already been done to help people handle the overwhelming impact of applying the explosion of connections that are encountered in the SDS record on the Internet, as a result of the technology that applies the management concept of traceability to original sources.

    As shown in POIMS, major part of human intelligence is summarizing.

    Executives, for example, like to ask for the bottom line, and the big picture.

    Summarizing risks overlooking critical details. But, too many details overwhelm span of attention, and become mere noise. The initial purpose of creating the SDS record is to create understanding, as explained in the New World Order paper, in order to figure out what actions need to be taken, i.e., reporting supports "planning." This process necessarily produces a lot of links, that reveal alignment which may require adjustment, i.e., follow up action.

    The technical task for this project is to present procedures for people to deal with this new environment, which, in effect, exposes the microcosm of the subconscious mind. Since the subconscious works on "automatic" pilot, where all of the connections are out sight, and well up as hunches and "gut feelings," guidance is helpful for those encountering the environment for the first time.

Clearly, the first two (2) points are related, yet they entail largely separate kinds of disciplines. SDS has strong technique for accomplishing both objectives, but it is not known how well it supports sharing knowledge structures, which is the key to producing a generic support tool. Sharing knowledge structures, i.e., creating something by person a, which person b can apply, is a major step that requires research and refinement.