440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

August 30, 1998                                                                      04 00067 61 98083001

Mr. Morris E. Jones
Sr. Vice President
Chips & Technologies, Inc
2950 Zanker Road
San Jose, CA  95134

Subject:  Communication Metrics
                 Noise Level on Business Intelligence

Ref:   a. Research on Aug 28, 1998
          b. Telecon Morris/Rod Aug 27, 1998
          c. Rod's letter Aug 13, 1998

Dear Morris,
Thanks for the help with the web site message, on Thursday. I tried to streamline and focus the message on benefits.

Please let me know if these changes work better to distinguish Communication Metrics in the marketplace. You mentioned the other day, that "understanding" reads well. How does "intelligence" read?

I did some research as you suggested. Communication Metrics seems stronger on developing "intelligence" within an organization. Others offer "business intelligence" on matters outside the organization, sort of an electronic "yellow pages," aimed at marketing.

Thanks again for your help.



Rod Welch