440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

October 20, 1998                                                                     04 00065 61 98102001

Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect
Assistant Chief
Construction Operations Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
San Francisco District
333 Market Street; Room 806A
San Francisco, CA  94105 1905

Subject:  Comm Metrics for Op Plan


  1. Meeting Tom/Rod October 20, 1998
  2. Letter to Tom White, October 20, 1998
  3. Call to Merry Goodenough October 20, 1998

Dear Tom,

Thanks for meeting today on using Communication Metrics in the District, ref a.

It would be fairly simple to include a link address for your report in an email to the DE. This would demonstrate "business intelligence" that supports the "paperless office" cited in the report.

The address is in the record of our meeting today.

I got your letter to Tom White requesting input on Communication Metrics. Possibly his comments can support your work on the District Operations Plan, added to Merry's analysis on cost savings, and prior input from Max, Herb, Leonard and Marc.

Thanks for continuing to think about these ideas.



Rod Welch