San Francisco District, Corps of Engineers
333 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-1905

Construction Service Branch (1180-1-1q)

January 3, 1997        03 00070 97010301

Mr. Robert D. Johnston, President
Dutra Dredging Company
1000 Point San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA  94901

Subject:  Contract No. DACW07-95-C-0003
                Serial Letter No. COE-95-C-0003-0128
                Navy Sewer Line, Shoring Approval by UPRR
                Dutra Transmittal #63 for Contract Design Crossing Under RR Track
Dear Mr. Johnston:

This confirms understandings from the Contract Administration meeting on December 30, 1996. You met with Mr. Leonard SooHoo in our Resident Office and submitted the subject transmittal. During the meeting there was not enough time for review and discussion, however subsequent review revealed the need for further work on this submittal to conform to the Operations Plan and understandings agreed upon in discussions with UPRR, and set out in the attached notes (see line 061103).

Please make these corrections and resubmit by January 7, 1997, to permit COE review prior to submission to UPRR on January 10, as set out in COE serial letter #0123 dated December 23, 1996.


Michael J. Murphy
Acting Chief
Construction Service Branch

Copy Furnished:

  1. UPRR, K. Ehrenreich
  2. CESPN-CO-S Record, Proj, JOYCE w encl
  3. CESPN-CO & CESPN-DE Proj Files wo/encl
  4. CESPN-CO-P & CESPN-CT-C (Contr #DACW07-95-C-0003) w/encl
  5. CESPN-CO-S Oak PROJ OFC (WHITE) w/encl
  6. CESPN-PM-C (H.CHEONG) w/encl
  7. Port of Oakland faxed (Cardoza/Andrews w/encl