San Francisco District, Corps of Engineers
333 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-1905

Construction Operations Division

December 23, 1996                                       03 00070 96122301

Mr. Robert D. Johnston
Dutra Dredging Company
1000 Point San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA  94901

Subject:  Contract No. DACW07-95-C-0003
                Serial Letter No. COE-95-C-0003-0123
                Navy Sewer Line, Shoring Approval by UPRR
Dear Mr. Johnston:

This confirms understandings from the Contract Administration meeting held December 19, 1996 in our Sausalito Resident Office with you, wherein you agreed to submit Dutra's "Open Cut" construction method for the crossing of the Navy Sewer Line at the UPRR location, on December 24 by 1200, rather than making the submission on December 20, 1996, as was agreed in our discusison with UPRR on December 12, and confirmed in serial letter no. COE-95-C-0003-0018, dated December 17, 1996.

You also agreed on December 19, 1996 that Dutra would submit a final and complete design to perform the work as shown in subject contract drawings on January 10, 1997, instead of on or before January 1, 1997, as discussed in our December 12 meeting and set out in serial letter no. COE-95-C-0003-0018, dated December 17, 1996.

Finally, we agreed with you on December 19, 1996, to schedule the telecon to review your "Open Cut" method with UPRR on January 8, 1997 instead of January 6 because of a conflict with another meeting. In a telecon with Kevin Ehrenreich on December 20, 1996, he suggested having this telecon on January 15 1997 rather than on January 8, 1997. I have tentatively agreed, subject to notice from Dutra within 10 days of the date of this letter that another date would be preferable.

In summary, the following is the current schedule for tasks concerning the Navy Sewer Line:

  1. Submit "Open Cut" design to UPRR/COE....... Dec 24, 1996
  2. Submit Contract Design to UPRR/COE......... Jan 10, 1997
  3. Meeting/Teleconference with UPRR........... Jan 15, 1997 1000

Accordingly, Dutra needs to arrange for the telecon with UPRR based on the same people listed in the notes for the meeting we held on December 12, 1996. Dutra should contact me to schedule review of Dutra's proposed submittal package on the COE contract design within 5 days of its due date on Jan 10, 1997, per COE's direction in serial letter COE-95-C-003-0118 dated December 17, 1996.


Marc McGovern Construction Manager

Copy to:

  1. Tom Keesling
  2. Leonard SooHoo
  3. Max Blodgett
  4. Tom Benero
  5. UPRR, Attn: Kevin Ehrenreich