440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, Ca 94111
415 781 5700

February 3, 1993

03 00050 93020301

Mr. Jim Wendling
Managing Partner
The Wendling Group
8952 Barrhill Way
Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Subject:   SDS & POIMS, Management Training


  1. Welch letter Jan 4, 1993, Management Training Ideas
  2. Telecon Jim/Rod Jan 26, 1993
  3. Wendling letter Jan 26, 1993, Marketing Materials
  4. Memo on Wendling & SDS, Feb 3, 1993, attached

Dear Jim,

Thanks for information in your letter on January 26, 1993, explaining the Wendling Group, following up our discussion on Jan 26. Your approach correlates with POIMS, and so can be supported by SDS. The answer to your question about how SDS makes money for Executives, is in the record on January 28, 1993 that reviews Wendling goals and methods.

Please let me know if you would like a demonstration of SDS. It would be an important selling point for your services by enabling people to carry out good management consistently.



Rod Welch


Post Script

I left a message at your office today, so we may talk before you get this.