440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

January 4, 2002

03 00050 61 02010401

Mr. Terry Winograd, PhD
Stanford University
Gates Computer Science, 3B; Room 338
Stanford, CA 94305-9035
Subject:   SDS and Com Metrics Enable Culture of Knowledge
Education to Integrate Management Science, Cognitive Science
and Technology

Dear Terry,

Thanks very much for making time during your Christmas holiday to visit about Communication Metrics and SDS.
When we finished our meeting on December 19, you asked for an explanation of how SDS improves learning and how it relates to your role in education. This is set out in the record of our meeting.
Working with Doug Engelbart and reviewing his writings shows a goal to use computer power for improving the practice of management, which, for convenience, can be summarized as Knowledge Management. Doug's explanation in his 1972 paper seems to make this case, and has a practical effect of integrating management science with technology. Looking at term papers and other writings on your web site, you have done important work in artificial intelligence that integrates cognitive science and technology.
Progress on these related agendas may be advanced by integrating all three disciplines: management science, cognitive science and technology.
Stanford's current efforts to integrate management science and engineering provide a foundation for a more rigorous curriculum that, also, integrates cognitive science. The SDS record over the past 15 years, or so, provides a baseline of work product and processes for studying how to improve management and technology that enables a transition from information to a culture of knowledge. Having a means to test theory by application in daily life, at school, and on the job, is a critical ingredient for creating synergy that drives progress. SDS makes this possible by providing a direct, practical way to augment intelligence, as reported by USACE.
Experience shows that progress requires action, so several initial action items are presented which you might consider for carrying forward on our first meeting.
It was a great privilege and honor to meet you. Thanks again for making time to review SDS and Communication Metrics. Look forward to working with you and the Stanford community.



Rod Welch

Copy to:

  1. Doug Engelbart
  2. Pat Lincoln
  3. Jack Park
