440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

April 20, 2000

03 00050 61 01042001

Mr. Jack Park
Street address
Palo Alto, CA Zip
650 388 1108

Subject:   Conklin's Ideas Seem to Support POIMS

Dear Jack,

Thanks very much for the reference to Jeff Conklin and GDSS on the Internet today. GDSS appears to offer useful professional services for improving management. The weakness of such efforts is that good practices are hard to use consistently, see for example review of Stephen Covey's ideas on December 5, 1992.

There seems to be support for POIMS in Jeff's work, supplementing our discussion recently on April 11, 2001. Why, then, is POIMS difficult to review, since it merely aligns prescriptions offered by Conklin and others with the architecture of human thought, and explains how those ideas can be implemented, based on experience using SDS?

Work product showing Jeff has implemented his ideas was not evident at the Internet address you submitted. Is there another location showing daily work product for organizational memory described in his papers? That would be helpful to examine. Additionally, I still have not found the ontology on physics or anything else. You indicated someone has posted this on the Internet. Can you please provide a link?




Rod Welch