440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000 23:50:22 -0800

03 00050 61 00012501

Aw Kong Koy

Subject:   Leveraging Human Thinking

Dear Mr. Kong Koy,

Your paper on MultiCentrix sets out a number of key challenges solved by my program SDS, as shown in the record today.

SDS does not have all of the multiple views of MultiCentrix, but it provides a core set of unique capabilities that enable people to quickly generate "intelligence," organize it, and get it back when needed, as explained in a discussion at Intel a few weeks ago.

You can partially test this capability by clicking on these links, but don't go too far, because a downside to powerful "intelligence" is that knowledge is a burden, as well as a blessing. My paper on POIMS correlates pretty well to your explanation of Computer Aided Thinking.

I am looking for commercial partners to "polish" the SDS program. This takes people who understand the underlying challenges and ideas that drive the capability. It also takes marketing muscle to help customers work through counterintuitive processes that make CAT effective. The ultimate market is to replace conventional wordprocessing, and so is quite large.

Please let know if you would like to discuss this opportunity.

In any case, I enjoyed your paper and wish you well with MultiCentrix.




Rod Welch