Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95052 8119
408 765 8080

Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 09:48:14 -0700

03 00050 60 02092303

Mr. Jack Park
Street address
Palo Alto, CA Zip
Subject:   Bridge to a New Way of Working Begins with Study
Morris objects to SDS links

Dear Jack,

[Responding to your letter today objecting to SDS links in correspondence...]
For someone who believes he has refined communications, Rod's listening skills are nil. I suggest we can not drive this home. He has spent years with this record format, and little to no customer traction or headway. Rod has used his system in an adversarial role, but I think customers will have problems creating the record with the degree of analysis and effort Rod applies. People have had good luck using Rod as an adversarial record keeper. Few have adopted his method when he is gone. When confronted with this, his solution is to create a new role of communication manager to use his program. This is a tough sell in corporations.
One of the biggest problems with "Communications metrics" is there are no metrics. There is nothing to measure, nothing to value until long after the fact. It is hard to measure prevention. It is harder to measure communications. There is the message, the sender, the channel, and the receiver. Metrics are numbers that are plotted, and trends, etc are observed by managers and teams in a search for process and task execution improvement. I see none of that in Communications metrics. Only Rods opinion of what should be done, and who is at fault.
He twists things like a lawyer.
You have most likely seen how he tried to hijack your teams efforts and have his solution as the "plan of record".
History is written by the victorious, and so is Rods record.
At the moment, he has only a personal victory, and a personal record. It may or may not contain the "truth". At best it is adversarial, and contains biased views of what he wants the world to be so that his method must be adopted for the survival of mankind.
Perhaps over time he will see it is easier to "change Rods method to fit the world" than to change the world.
Until then, I'm afraid he will continue to pound his head on the wall. If you are never wrong, you never have to change your position. (He has the record with links, therefore he must be right).
In many ways, Rod has replace religion with his belief in SDS. The record is his higher truth.
The problem is the record is the world as he desires it to be. The hard reality is the record is just his personal philosophy and biased views of his experience. He often misrepresents what I say to him, and just puts in the record what he wants me to have said. His response is it is my "duty" to fix the record. My response is "Why". I have had this discussion with him for years. It never seems to progress. It is entertaining to argue about.

Morris E. Jones