Los Alamos National Laboratory Distributed Knowledge Research Team; MS B265 Los Alamos, NM 87545

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 17:31:43 -0600

Mr. Rod Welch The Welch Company 440 Davis Court #1602 San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   SDS, Com Metrics, POIMS


[Responding to your letter to John Hogden on March 31, 2000, and previously to me on March 23, 2000...]

Finally getting back to you.
From your prior two emails (man, I wish I could cite them as you would. . .) and discussions with John, I think I get the essence of your system, and am, indeed, quite interested [in a business relationship].
You mentioned that it would be useful for someone to be in the Bay area. By good fortune, our project with Xerox PARC (see...


...is taking me/us there these days. In fact, I fly in tomorrow, and there is a small chance that I may have time on Thursday morning. Otherwise, I'd make arrangements to meet with you at the end of May, when I will return.

Cliff Joslyn

Copy to:
  1. John Hogden

  1. Morris Jones
  2. Bill DeHart
  3. Millie Welch