440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 6, 1998 10:00 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Received note from Bill Wagoner re even in City on 980530.


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Pam, Bill and Nolan
KFOG Fireworks and stuff

0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 2 0000, ref SDS 1 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Received ref DRT 1 0000 from Bill submitting notice of another KFOG
050604 - fireworks event in the City on 980530. ref DRT 1 5401
050605 - ..
050606 - He asks about viewing the fireworks from the apartment? ref DRT
050607 - 1 3573
050608 -
050609 - It should provide a good view based on past events.
050610 -
050611 - Last year or the year before Steve, Lilly and their friends used the
050612 - apartment for a similar event.  The view was spectacular, seemed like
050613 - the fireworks exploded right in front of the balcony.
050614 -
050615 - In the 80s, we had a family gathering to see the fireworks honoring
050616 - the 50th anniversary for the Bay Bridge.  We had upwards of 30 people
050617 - here on that occassion.  A lot of personal craft, maybe several
050618 - hundred or a thousand assembled out on the Bay near the bridge to
050619 - participate and observe the fireworks.
050620 -
050621 - Called and discussed this with Millie.
050622 -
050623 - Sent Bill a reply, ref DIT 1 0000, that he can use the apartment, even
050624 - if we are not in town that weekend.  If we are, we may join them.
050625 -
050626 -     [On 980507 received request to verify view of Brannon street
050627 -     location from our apartment; notified that Brannon is not visible
050628 -     from here. ref SDS 3 0000]
050629 -
050630 - I guess Millie and Pam can coordiate on particulars.
050631 -
050632 -  ..
050633 -
050634 - Sent copies to Ron and Kim, and to Steve and Lilly.
050635 -
050636 -     Maybe we can make it a family deal, play some tennis and so on per
050637 -     past events with the kids. ref SDS 2 0000
050638 -
050639 -       [On 980813 notified about web site. ref SDS 4 3612]
050640 -
050641 -
050642 -
050643 -
0507 -