440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 15, 1998 11:34 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Complete revise save function to work with dose command.

2...Evaluation - Changes Meet Objectives

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Save, F2, macro 142, 0702051
Memory Management
Save, F1 F2, No Archive

0605 -    ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 4 3870, ref SDS 1 5808.
060702 -
060703 - Completed improvement to F2 "save" function for SDS records. For most
060704 - users there is no change in using the program.
060705 -
060706 -     [Function key and menu changes were made in a separate record on
060707 -     980415. ref SDS 5 0000]
060708 -
060709 - We seem to have all of the functions formerly performed entirely in
060710 - RAM, now being performed so that RAM intensive processes are done in a
060711 - second session with dose.
060712 -
060713 - Decided to change the alternate save function from F1 Alt F2 to simply
060714 - F1 F2, so it is easier to apply.  Formerly F1 F2 in the Editor printed
060715 - files, but that is fairly infrequent now that the Internet is used to
060716 - distribute communications, including correspondence.  So I made the
060717 - print file function in the Editor F1 Alt F2, to eliminate confusion
060718 - and tendancy to use it in SDS for saving the record.
060719 -
060720 -     [On 980415 worked on alternate "save" using F1 F2. ref SDS 5 5647]
060721 -
060722 -
060723 -
060724 -  ..
060725 - Evaluation - Changes Meet Objectives
060726 -
060727 - So far the new SDS record "save" function seems to be accomplishing
060728 - the objective. ref SDS 4 3870
060729 -
060730 - We have had a few memory crashes, but so far there have been no
060731 - instances where links are incorrect after once having been set.
060732 -
060733 - I do not like the screen going black although it still occurs pretty
060734 - quickly, because it is a distraction.  I can learn to live with it if
060735 - it turns out to be as successful as initial testing indicates.
060736 -
060737 - The F1 F2 function, created in the record on 980415, ref SDS 5 5647,
060738 - is excellent.  It is much easier to use frequently than F1 Alt F2 and
060739 - so partially makes up for the slower process of F2.
060740 -
060741 -
060742 -
060743 -
060744 -