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1...Left message for Ed about his comments from having read the report on
0201 - USACE HQ, CEMP-E 202 761 0011
020101 - Mr. Edward J. East; =202 761 1114 fax 1649
020102 - Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC
COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics
HQ USACE Comm Metrics Presentation
Sacramento District
0806 - ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0392, ref SDS 13 0474.
080802 -
080803 - Called Ed and left message for him on results of reading the report
080804 - on Communication Metrics.
080805 -
080806 - Called Mark Capik at Sacramento District Corps of Engineers.
080807 - ..
080808 - Sent via, ref DIT 1 3852, the CESPN report on Communication
080809 - Metrics to Mark. Notified Ed East via, ref DIT 2 1528, of having
080810 - contacted Mark, and requested Ed's comments on the Communication
080811 - Metrics report, per our telecon on 971211. ref SDS 14 1850
080812 -
080813 - [On 980310 Mark has received analysis of Communication Metrics
080814 - report and is reviewing it further. ref SDS 15 1904]
080815 -
080816 -
0809 -
0810 -
0811 - Progress
0812 -
081201 - ..
081202 - Communication Metrics Presentation was Excellent
081203 -
081204 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0495, ref SDS 13 0560.
081205 -
081206 - Left message for Ed about his comments from having read the report on
081207 - Communication Metrics.
081208 -
081209 -
0813 -
0814 -
0815 - 1000 Ed called back
0816 -
081601 - Ed did not call back, so sent him
081602 -
081603 -
081604 -
0817 -
0818 -
0819 -
COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Sacramento District
1005 - 0959 called Mark Capik at Sacramento District
1006 - ..
100601 - Left message for...
100602 -
100603 - ...about considering Communication Metrics to support their
100604 - formulation of processes to qualify for ISO certification.
100605 -
100606 -
100607 -
1007 -
1008 -
1009 - 1242 called Mark back
1010 - ..
101001 - Mark has changed jobs and now his own Branch in the Sacramento
101002 - District.
101003 -
101004 - Mark indicated the Sacramento District has been organized to
101005 - streamline management and improve cost effectiveness.
101006 -
101007 - I briefly outlined work with Tom Keesling last year on SFD DE's
101008 - organization plan to streamline the organization.
101009 -
101010 - I will send Marc the reports on Communication Metrics.
101011 -
101012 - Mark Capik 916 557 5301
101013 - Chief, Military Design Branch
101014 - 1325 J Street
101015 - Sacramento, CA 95814
101016 -
101017 - Mark requested a summary explanation of Communication Metrics, and the
101018 - names and phone numbers of people who have looked at the method.
101019 -
101020 - He has not worked with Jim Jones, but is familiar with Ed East, who
101021 - suggested I contact Mark. ref SDS 14 3362
101022 -
101023 - Mark seemed open to new ideas for improving management, and noted the
101024 - need for managers to be more effective in order to reduce the levels
101025 - of management.
101026 -
101027 - Submitted the report via, ref DIT 1 3852.
101028 -
101029 -
101030 -
101031 -
101032 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"