440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 8, 1997 02:00 PM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Visited Bill about meeting on using HTML; Sprint.
2...Communication Metrics Review to Meet Gordon Smith's PG&E Objectives
3...Bill to Review Communication Metrics with Sprint Contacts
4...Conventional HTML Methods Too Slow for Daily Management
5...Faster Tools Needed to Deliver Timely Intelligence on Internet
6...May be Possible to Create HTML Conversion Code that would be Fast
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0201 - PG&E Grid Customer Services 415 973 1014 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Project Manager =415 973 1014 pger 510 472 2288; Project Management
Bill's Assignment, 960815
Demonstration for New Users
PG&E, Sprint, Bechtel
1105 - ..
1106 - Summary/Objective
1107 -
110701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 7 0000, ref SDS 4 0000.
110702 -
110703 - Advised Bill of progress presenting Communication Metrics to PG&E in
110704 - response to Gordon Smith's request for help. Gave Bill a set of the
110705 - USACE reports on Communication Metrics which he can deliver to his
110706 - contacts at Sprint. Bill explained considerations Sprint is making on
110707 - managing the next phase of its fiber optics construction program. He
110708 - requested a second set of the USACE reports with highlights which he
110709 - can provide to his PG&E management team. Bill provided some training
110710 - and a book on using HTML to develop Web Browser content.
110711 -
110712 - [See follow up on 971108 developing SDS and Internet interface.
110713 - ref SDS 10 0000]
110714 -
110715 -
110716 -
110717 - ..
1108 -
1109 -
1110 - Discussion
1111 -
111101 - ..
111102 - Communication Metrics Review to Meet Gordon Smith's PG&E Objectives
111103 -
111104 - Followed up work at ref SDS 7 0000, ref SDS 4 0000.
111105 -
111106 - I advised Bill of the review Lee Calloway is making of Communication
111107 - Metrics, per ref SDS 8 4930.
111108 -
111109 - Bill has a PG&E organization chart. We examined it and found that
111110 - Russ Jackson is the only special assistant listed for Gordon Smith.
111111 - Bill reviewed the record of my discussion with Russ, ref SDS 8 1991.
111112 -
111113 - Bill requested another set of USACE Communication Metrics reports
111114 - that he can give to his boss.
111115 -
111116 - [This was provided on 971111. ref SDS 12 1168]
111117 -
111118 -
111119 - ..
111120 - Bill to Review Communication Metrics with Sprint Contacts
111121 -
111122 - Followed up work at ref SDS 7 8555, ref SDS 4 0660.
111123 -
111124 - I gave Bill the USACE reports for his meeting with Sprint next week,
111125 - per our telecon on Thursday, ref SDS 7 8555.
111126 -
111127 - He explained Sprint's considerations about whether to contract out the
111128 - sighting, land acquisition and engineering for the next phase of their
111129 - project.
111130 -
111131 - We considered that Sprint's planning considerations are ideal for
111132 - using the "intelligence" capability of Communication Metrics to
111133 - organize and analyse decisions, as shown in the USACE report ref DRP 1
111134 - line 102.
111135 -
111136 - [See follow up on 971110, ref SDS 12 1278.]
111137 -
111138 -
111139 -
111140 -
1112 -
Intranets, Internet
Web Site Planning, HTML Tools
HTML Planning
HTML Tools Too Slow for Management
1907 -
190701 - ..
190702 - Conventional HTML Methods Too Slow for Daily Management
190703 -
190704 - Follow up ref SDS 7 1459, ref SDS 4 5555.
190705 -
190706 - Began investigating ideas on using intranets, per ref SDS 5 9999 and
190707 - the analysis at ref SDS 7 4099,
190708 -
190709 - [See work on 971108 implementing these ideas. ref SDS 9 5340]
190710 -
190711 - I asked if HTML tools and skills enable information to be viewed and
190712 - exchanged over the Internet by Sprint, Bechtal and PG&E on his various
190713 - projects, using Web browsers, as explained in the PMJ article reviewed
190714 - on 971021? ref SDS 5 5884,
190715 - ..
190716 - Can PG&E, Sprint, Bechtal and their many contractors and vendors
190717 - use the Internet to communicate for daily management support, so that
190718 - earnings are improved by delivering "intelligence," per our discussion
190719 - on 971105. ref SDS 7 1459
190720 - ..
190721 - Bill said there is not enough time to attend meetings, make the
190722 - calls and do the analysis needed for daily management, and also do the
190723 - work needed to maintain useful communications on the Internet,
190724 - partucularly since he is traveling alot. This reflects the article in
190725 - PMJ saying intranet maintenance is time consuming, i.e., it is a
190726 - dedicated job, ref SDS 5 8845, and the report by Dave Vannier and
190727 - Marcy Puhnaty at Intel that creating HTML links take time. ref SDS 2
190728 - 2370
190729 -
190730 - [On 971202 Dr. Moonja Kim made the same point. ref SDS 13 4647]
190731 -
190732 - [On 980813 submitted letter asking if the Communication Metrics
190733 - web site solves this problem. ref SDS 18 0000]
190734 -
190735 - [On 981027 Bill Long at Kwan Henmi asked about using off-the-
190736 - shelf HTML tools for Communication Metrics. ref SDS 19 3196]
190737 - ..
190738 - Bill demonstrated how to create links in email using HTML tools.
190739 - We did an example using the record at ref SDS 6 0000.
190740 -
190741 - Bill is using a variety of tools, including Word 97 and Pagemaker.
190742 -
190743 - Each has some advantages, but none have all of the features he would
190744 - like. We created an HTML file using the sample SDS record, but it
190745 - showed the HTML code, rather than the intended formatting.
190746 - ..
190747 - Watching Bill indicated the process to create links and do all
190748 - of the other formatting to accomplish our objective appears to be
190749 - fairly time consuming,
190750 -
190751 -
190752 - ..
190753 - Faster Tools Needed to Deliver Timely Intelligence on Internet
190754 -
190755 - We need to enable managers to concentrate on content and decision
190756 - making, with results automatically integrated into the information
190757 - stream using the Internet to deliver the web of connections that we
190758 - call...
190759 -
190760 - "knowledge space"
190761 -
190762 -
190763 - set out in the paper for Asilomar on Dialog, Documents and Human
190764 - Memory. ref SDS 1 3516
190765 -
190766 - Adding "intelligence" to information to create "knowledge space"
190767 - hopefully adds value to the Internet, that otherwise merely provides
190768 - cyberspace. ref OF 1 7551 People need knowledge more than "cyber."
190769 - ..
190770 - This requires tools that instantly pop information into
190771 - professionally appearing HTML format for publication on the Web. When
190772 - a manager generates information, that should be it. We don't want
190773 - managers spending a lot of time fiddling with tools, per Bill's point
190774 - above. ref SDS 0 3670 They should be thinking about what has
190775 - happened, implications, nuance, alignment, objectives, planning and
190776 - follow up.
190777 -
190778 - Roger Bush said managers do not enough time to think, ref SDS 3 3479,
190779 - so this system should fix that, not make it worse.
190780 -
190781 - [On 971210 demonstrated SDS records in Web page format. ref SDS 14
190782 - 2588.]
190783 -
190784 - [On 980324 successful test of business intelligence on Internet
190785 - Web site, ref SDS 16 3440.]
190786 -
190787 - [On 980513 began testing "knowledge space." ref SDS 17 2163]
190788 -
190789 - [On 980817 submitted letter asking Bill if the Communication
190790 - Metrics web site solves this problem. ref SDS 18 0000]
190791 -
190792 -
190793 - ..
190794 - May be Possible to Create HTML Conversion Code that would be Fast
190795 -
190796 - Bill showed an example of an email message he got from Ed Diemer that
190797 - had regular text and also HTML formatted information. That is what we
190798 - want to create.
190799 -
190800 - It looks like it might be possible to create some SDS stuff that would
190801 - enter HTML, similar to putting PCL in a file. It should be pretty
190802 - fast. The key if figuring out what format standards to adopt. What
190803 - is possible, what looks good?
190804 -
190805 - One possible advantage of using SDS is that it has an inherent
190806 - organizing structure that is critical to making effective use of the
190807 - Internet for daily management.
190808 - ..
190809 - Bill created an HTML file in PageMill. He saved it and then
190810 - opened the file in Medit. He then tried to load the file into Eudora
190811 - Pro, but all that showed up was text. He tried attaching the file and
190812 - sending it to himself, but this did not work. We were unable to get
190813 - the HTML formatting to appear in the Eudora message screen, as shown
190814 - in Ed's message.
190815 - ..
190816 - Bill will call Ed Diemer to find out how he was able to get HTML
190817 - to appear in Eudora Pro.
190818 -
190819 - [See where this was accomplished without input from Ed. ref SDS 11
190820 - 2635]
190821 - ..
190822 - Bill loaned me a book on HTML.
190823 -
190824 - [Returned Bill's book on 971210. ref SDS 14 3669]
190825 - ..
190826 - We discussed the next step would be to click on linkages in the
190827 - record to find original sources, following up our discussion at
190828 - ref SDS 4 line 138.
190829 -
190830 - [I later created this ability and demonstratrated it at the
190831 - meeting on 971210. ref SDS 14 4387]
190832 -
190833 - [On 980817 submitted letter asking Bill if the Communication
190834 - Metrics web site solves this problem. ref SDS 18 0000]
190835 - ..
190836 - We need to get an assignment to evaluate the viability of using
190837 - intranets to support Communication Metrics.
190838 -
190839 - [On 980209 Bill indicated PG&E has a new project that may be able
190840 - to use Communication Metrics. ref SDS 15 2680]
190841 -
190842 -
190843 -
190844 -
190845 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"