440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: August 28, 1997 09:52 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Bill DeHart re PG&E and Sprint project.
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0201 - PG&E Grid Customer Services 415 973 1014 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Project Manager =415 973 1014 pger 510 472 2288; Project Management
Bill's Assignment, 960815
Demonstration for New Users
Construction (DPB)
Sales discussions
Locate Decision Maker
PG&E, Sprint, Bechtel
1208 - ..
1209 - Summary/Objective
1210 -
121001 - Follow up ref SDS 14 line 63, ref SDS 12 line 60.
121002 -
121003 - Bill left a message during my call with IBM, ref SDS 15 line 83. He
121004 - called in response to my letter, ref DIP 1 line 30 about setting up
121005 - the meeting with Sprint we discussed several weeks ago, ref SDS 12
121006 - line 71, to address the management situation between Sprint and
121007 - Bechtel, ref SDS 7 line 124.
121008 -
121009 - He said PG&E has had some issues that need to be worked out with
121010 - Sprint so there has not been an opportune time to suggest a meeting on
121011 - SDS, to initiate the meeting we planned on 970624, ref SDS 7 line 167.
121012 - Bill indicated these matters have now been worked through to the point
121013 - where he feels comfortable about facilitating a meeting between Welch
121014 - and Sprint. He will try to accomplish within the next week.
121015 -
121016 - I called and left a message about my attending a progress meeting, and
121017 - then introducing me, and suggesting a discussion on Communication
121018 - Metrics. Noted we should not sacrafice the "good" waiting for the
121019 - perfect opportunity to arise.
121020 -
121021 -
121022 -
121023 -
1211 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"