440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 25, 1997 10:00 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Called Tom Landauer on rate of errors in communications.

2...Studies Measuring Meaning Drift
3...Innovation and Discipline, Conscious v. Subconscious Management

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Landauer, T. K. (1986). How much do people remember: Some
2...If we use standard management practice, then everybody is taking
3...Or, is there a way for creativity to flourish by using technology to

0201 - University of Colorado             303 492 2875 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Thomas K. Landauer

Calculate Cost Benefit Communication
Errors in Communication
Meaning, Build and Maintain Shared, Over
Cognitive Science, Meetings
Fragility of Knowledge, Fades
Maintain Shared Meaning/Knowledge

1808 -    ..
1809 - Summary/Objective
1810 -
181001 - Followed up work at ref SDS 21 0000, ref SDS 19 0000.
181002 -
181003 - Left another message following message on 970715, ref SDS 19 0000, my
181004 - email, ref DIP 5 0000, submitted last week at ref SDS 16 0000, for Tom
181005 - to call about studies showing the rate of meaning drift, errors or
181006 - differences in understandings from common events like meetings, calls,
181007 - discussions that follows up my calculation begun last week on 970711.
181008 - ref SDS 18 0000
181009 -
181010 -       [On 980813 notified Tom about Communication Metrics web site.
181011 -       ref SDS 25 0000]
181012 -
181013 - Cited unsuccessful research on 970715 using the web. ref SDS 20 0000.
181014 -
181015 - Finally was able to talk to Tom briefly.
181016 -
181017 - He is preparing for a trip next week and he will not return until
181018 - September.  I got the impression he did not want to visit with me
181019 - about his work.
181020 -
181021 - Tom suggested checking the references in his LSA paper and if there is
181022 - nothing there, then check the web site mentioned in the paper.
181023 -
181024 -
1811 -
1812 -
1813 - 1231 research on Web
1814 -
181401 - I checked his LSA paper on the point from the record for 960518
181402 - concerning mental knowledge processes at ref SDS 6 4488, and also at
181403 - ref SDS 6 3734.  There are no apparent references on this point.
181404 -
181405 - There is at ref OF 1 line 2683, a book, article or paper by Tom
181406 - Landauer in the references on
181407 -
181408 -       Landauer, T. K. (1986). How much do people remember: Some
181409 -       estimates of the quantity of learned information in long-term
181410 -       memory. Cognitive Science, 10(4), 477-493.
181411 -
181412 -    This might be worth reviewing.
181413 -
181414 -       Osgood, C. E., Suci, G. J., & Tannenbaum, P. H. (1957). The
181415 -       measurement of meaning. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
181416 -
181417 -       Ratcliff, R., & McKoon, G. (1978). Priming in item recognition:
181418 -       Evidence for the propositional nature of sentences. Journal of
181419 -       Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 17, 403-417.
181420 -
181421 - I could not find any reference to a web page in Tom's paper, but I
181422 - located a site for Latent Semantic Analysis using a search engine.
181423 -
181424 - Looks like this site has plenty of possibilities for doing the
181425 - research I need.
181426 -
181427 -
181428 -
181429 -  ..
1815 -
1816 -
1817 - 2132 sent Tom Email from Web Site
1818 -
181801 - Prepared ref DIT 1 to advise Tom I found his Web site for LSA, but was
181802 - unable to find any support for the hypothesis that word meanings are
181803 - fluid and are in constant flux, from the review of Tom's paper, ref
181804 - SDS 6 4488, and at ref SDS 6 3734.
181805 -
181806 - I also sent a similar letter to Tom's colleague, Walter Kintsch.
181807 -
181808 -       [On 970729 reveived response from Tom, ref SDS 23 0000, and from
181809 -       Walter, ref SDS 23 5739]
181810 -
181811 -       [On 980813 notified Tom about Communication Metrics web site.
181812 -       ref SDS 25 0000]
181813 -
181814 -
181815 -  ..
181816 - Studies Measuring Meaning Drift
181817 -
181818 - I asked if there has been specific research on the rate of deviation
181819 - in understandings among participants of common events such as a
181820 - business meeting, ref DIT 1 9333.
181821 -
181822 - I pose a number of different criteria for a study by interviewing
181823 - people after a business meeting and comparing their understandings of
181824 - what transpired.
181825 -
181826 - Each person's understanding will be different, per Cal Tech seminar
181827 - publication about communication reviewed on 940111, ref SDS 3 2074. It
181828 - reflects Eric Jennet's article reviewed on 940114 showing business
181829 - meetings are unproductive, ref SDS 4 2290.
181830 -
181831 -     What is the rate of change in understanding as a function of...
181832 -
181833 -       1.  number of subjects,
181834 -       2.  time of discusison in hours
181835 -       3.  number of participants
181836 -       4.  time people talk, listen, write notes in minutes
181837 -       5.  time people prepare prior to meeting in minutes
181838 -       6.  degree and strength of contention
181839 -
181840 -     There is then a propogation of misunderstanding among various
181841 -     populations, e.g., a subcontractor, a vendor, the engineering
181842 -     department, sales and so on.
181843 -
181844 -
181845 -
181846 -  ..
1819 -
1820 -
1821 - 1613 Analysis
1822 -
182201 - Innovation and Discipline, Conscious v. Subconscious Management
182202 -
182203 - Follow up work at ref SDS 22 8699.
182204 -
182205 - Tie together empowerment and entropy in information.
182206 -
182207 -    The AFIT paper reviewed on 970707 says that lack of discipline
182208 -    causes information systems to become entropic and that this
182209 -    escalates cost. ref SDS 15 0108
182210 -
182211 -    The Intel paper reviewed on 970710 says that empowerment to support
182212 -    innovation leads to poor management. ref SDS 17 2009
182213 -
182214 - If we use standard management practice, then everybody is taking
182215 - common paths and this reduces the chance for meaning to wander, but it
182216 - also limits creativity.
182217 -
182218 - Or, is there a way for creativity to flourish by using technology to
182219 - automate and integrate sound management practice under the Management
182220 - Cycle in POIMS, so that people can invest intellectual capital that
182221 - provides a resource for discovering new directions?
182222 -
182223 - In other words we have to sow the seeds in order to get a crop of
182224 - ideas to come up.  For management, this requires capturing the record
182225 - in order to have something to assemlbe in alternte ways that yields
182226 - innovation.
182227 -
182228 -     [On 971222 Andy Grove was interviewed and noted the challenge of
182229 -     leadership to maintain discipline while encouraging innovation.
182230 -     ref SDS 24 6695]
182231 -
182232 -
182233 -
182234 -
182235 -
182236 -
1823 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"