440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 16, 1996 12:08 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Received call Scott Fahlman at Carnegie-Mellon re Asilomar.

2...Artificial Intelligence

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Pictures, Language, Poetry, Writing
Thinking, Memory, biology limits, Human Memory
Knowledge v. Information

1005 -    ..
1006 - Summary/Objective
1007 -
100701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 42, ref SDS 7 line 41, re
100702 - line 40, ref SDS 5 line 248, on why a psychologist is needed for the
100703 - PMI event to follow Bill Walsh.
100704 -
100705 - Scott Fahlman works in computer science rather than the biology of the
100706 - brain and cognitive science.  He may be a good source to review POIMS
100707 - technology from the debate between Morris and I.  He agreed to look
100708 - around for a speaker for Asilomar on the Brusman scope.
100709 -
100710 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 including this record, the discussion with
100711 - Bill on the Asilomar event, ref SDS 4 line 116, the agenda, ref OF 2
100712 - line 19, the NWO paper, ref OF 1 line 12, and the review of Improbable
100713 - Machine, ref SDS 1 line 65.
100714 -
100715 -      [See response ref SDS 9 line 67.]
100716 -
100717 -
1008 -
1009 -
1010 - Discussion
1011 -
101101 - Scott returned my call from yesterday and left message on how to
101102 - contact him via email.
101103 -
101104 -                Scott Fahlman
101105 -                Department of Computer Science
101106 -                Carnegie-Mellon University
101107 -                5000 Forbes Avenue
101108 -                Pittsburg, PA  15213
101109 -                412 268 2575
101110 -
101111 -
101112 - I explained encountering his name in Jeromy Campbell's book the
101113 - "Improbable Machine" reviewed at ref SDS 1 line 61.  Scott said he did
101114 - not recall being interviewed or otherwise involved with the book. I
101115 - read the material on p. 166 where he is quoted at length, ref OF 4
101116 - line 1286.  Scott recalled this may reflect something he wrote 15
101117 - years ago or so, and indicated his recent work has taken a different
101118 - direction.
101119 -
101120 - I explained some of the ideas of the NWO... paper related to the scope
101121 - for a speaker to follow Bill Walsh at PMI's Asilomar event.  We have
101122 - described this speaker topic as related to cognitive science, per ref
101123 - SDS 5 line 248 and our agenda, ref OF 2 line 32.  I expect someone
101124 - with experience in AI could cover this scope as well, since my efforts
101125 - to develop SDS have led me to work on connectionist theory.  Scott
101126 - feels he may not be the right person.  Additionally, he will be in
101127 - London oa Jul 12 when this presentation is needed.  I told him we are
101128 - trying to minimize the expense of speakers.  We would of course pay
101129 - travel and accommodations.
101130 -
101131 - I will submit the NWO paper and the event agenda.  Scott will try to
101132 - find someone at Carnegie Mellon or even someone on the West coast who
101133 - may be able to do this event.
101134 -
101135 -
101136 - Artificial Intelligence
101137 -
101138 - I explained my interest in this work from having created the Schedule
101139 - Diary System program to support executive management, and from that
101140 - POIMS technology emerged to describe what SDS does.  Now Communication
101141 - Metrics seems to be needed as a management science to explain what
101142 - people accomplish in using SDS.  Scott seemed to appreciate the SDS
101143 - Subject Index, although in past situations where people have indicated
101144 - awareness of computer indexing methods, it turns out they are thinking
101145 - of "keyword" methods.  I mentioned that SDS uses an organic structure.
101146 -
101147 - I mentioned the lack of attention in Campbell's book to the role of
101148 - biological drives that give the human mind an organizing strategy, ref
101149 - SDS 1 line 96.  Since machines do not have the complex organically
101150 - structured drive system of the human mind, they cannot "think."
101151 - Initially, Scott noted that a computer could be programmed with
101152 - specific objectives, say 6 - 10 and this would accomplish my point.  I
101153 - suggested that human drives and the internal brain structures that
101154 - reflect them may be more complex than can be achieved by inputting
101155 - even 1000 objectives.  Scott said there has been a lot of attention in
101156 - recent years to this subject, but it is considered kind of flaky by
101157 - some.
101158 -
101159 - I will submit to Scott some of the dialog on IA between Morris and I
101160 - that is related to the development of SDS, ref SDS 2 line 75 and ref
101161 - SDS 3 line 274, and the review of Campbell's book.  Actually, I think
101162 - I will initially just submit the review of Campbell's book and then
101163 - later submit more stuff, if Scott wants to consider it.
101164 -
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1012 -