440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 17, 1996 12:11 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Received call from Bruce at Boeing inquiring about SDS.


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0505 -
0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
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050701 - Follow up ref SDS 5 0000.
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050705 -  ..
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0510 - Discussion Bruce Carlson, Boeing                    206 342 6918
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051101 - Bruce advised that he has read and discussed with colleagues at Boeing
051102 - the NWO paper that explains technology support for good management.
051104 -  ..
051105 - Bruce asked about the differences between SDS versions shown in the
051106 - brochure?
051107 -
051108 -    1.  Personal SDS program provides access only to the User's SDS
051109 -        data base.
051111 -         ..
051112 -    2.  Corporate SDS provides the User access to the records of
051113 -        specified workgroup or team members.
051115 -         ..
051116 -    3.  Executive SDS provides the User access to a wider array of
051117 -        User's for example within an entire department, and supports
051118 -        multiple User ID's which can be used for sensitive matters
051119 -        which the executive does not want to share with others.
051121 -  ..
051122 - Bruce asked if the NWO paper will be presented at the PMI event in
051123 - July at Asilomar?
051125 -  ..
051126 - Confirmed planning on 951114 for General Hatch and others to present
051127 - SDS support for Communication Metrics at the Asilomar event in July.
051128 - ref SDS 3 3579
051130 -  ..
051131 - Bruce advised that his colleagues feel SDS may have potential to
051132 - support their needs at Boeing.  He will call me to let me know the
051133 - follow up steps they want to take.
051134 -
051135 -    [On 960201 called Bruce to follow up. ref SDS 7 0001
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