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1...Bill will investigate further doing a mailer for advertising, per my
PMI Event, Planning, Jul Event
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 7 line 45, ref SDS 6 line 38, ref DIP 1<
050702 - line 30 confirming understandings and suggesting idea for advertising
050703 - to estimate revenue available for speakers.
050704 -
050705 -
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - Discussion
0511 -
051101 - Bill asked if I am attending the PMI meeting next week. I indicated
051102 - plans to attend.
051103 -
051104 - Bill will investigate further doing a mailer for advertising, per my
051105 - letter at ref DIP 1 line 35, submitted at ref SDS 7 line 75. There is
051106 - concern that this requires indicating the event scope and that has not
051107 - been settled. Probably we should wait on putting the mailer idea
051108 - foreward until after the meeting with Intel, scheduled for 960103. If
051109 - that is settled, then momentum will build that will be difficult to
051110 - turn back.
051111 -
051112 - [See follow up at ref SDS 10 line 87.]
051113 -
051113 - ..
051114 - Intel Participation Ideas
051115 -
051116 - I need to call Dave Vannier and explain concept of doing a panel
051117 - discussion to minimize his preparation time, if he feels this could
051118 - be an issue. The idea is that this would be an update on his
051119 - interview with Byte. The membership or a select panel of the
051120 - membership would interview him. Another idea is that we invite
051121 - Byte to do a follow up interview, or at least participate on the
051122 - panel.
051123 -
051124 - If Byte would do this, it would be free publicity for PMI NCC.
051125 -
051126 - I scheduled calls on this for Monday, 951211.
051127 -
051128 - [See follow up at ref SDS 9 line 53.]
051129 -
051130 -
051131 - Bill indicated in a recent email that he has begun analysing the
051132 - financial viability of the Asilomar event, ref DRT 1 line 25.
051133 -
051134 - Bill can meet with Maynard here 960108, ref SDS 6 line 51.
051135 -
051136 -
051137 -
051138 -
0512 -