440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 30, 1995 10:44 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Received call re ISO registration.
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Kwan Henmi, Communication Metrics, ISO Registration
ISO 10006, TQM,
0704 - ..
0705 - Summary/Objective
0706 -
070601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 60, at ref SDS 7 line 63 and Progress
0710 -
071001 - Called Ron Rawson of RC Rawson Company 415 362 7673
071002 -
071003 - This came from e-mail on Internet inquiry at Edgar, Dunn and Company
071004 - by Dave Poe.
071005 -
071006 - Talked to Marsha. She seemed to indicate they do ISO registrations.
071007 - She said Ron has another call. He will call back later today.
071008 -
071009 -
0711 -
0712 -
0713 - 1443 Ron called back
0714 -
071401 - He said their firm does ISO registrations but this is a narrow
071402 - application for banks that is unrelated to the International Standards
071403 - Organization. These registrations just happen to have the same
071404 - acronyms.
071405 -
071406 - Sent e-mail reply to Dave Poe at Edgar, Dunn, thanking him for his
071407 - lead.
071408 -
071409 -
071410 -
071411 -
0715 -
0716 -
0717 - 1443 received call from Carrie
0718 -
071801 - She said that Arthur Andersen Company does ISO Registrations. She
071802 - suggested I call Robert Hirth at:
071803 -
071804 - 415 546 8830
071805 -
071806 -
071807 -
071808 -
0719 -
Training Resource, Case Studies, TQM, Correlation
Market Potential, Risk Management, Dispute Resolution
Re-Engineering PM
0806 -
080601 - Got possible lead to use SDS and Communication Metrics as means to
080602 - relieve stress of modern workplace.
080603 -
080604 -
080605 -
0807 -
0808 -
0809 - Progress
0810 -
081001 - Received call from
081002 -
081003 - Ray Dillard
081004 - Western Productivity Group
081005 -
081006 - ...they do not provide ISO support per se.
081007 -
081008 - They do offer reengineering support.
081009 -
081010 - I explained how SDS "reengineers" executive management by automating
081011 - the mangement cycle: plan, perform, report. This implements the
081012 - requirements for case studies and training under the ISO requirement
081013 - for Continual Learning.
081014 -
081015 - Ray will submit information on what they do, and I will send him the
081016 - NWO paper.
081017 -
081018 -
081019 -
0811 -
0812 -
0813 - 1102 received call from psychologist
0814 -
081401 - Received call from:
081402 -
081403 - Dr. Maynard Brusman
081404 - Working Resources
081405 - P.O. Box 471525
081406 - San Francisco, CA 94147-1525
081407 -
081408 -
081409 - Maynard does not provide ISO support. He is an organizational
081410 - psychologist who provides executive training and company wide support
081411 - on issues that cause stress in the workplace. He was called in for
081412 - example on the 101 California shooting.
081413 -
081414 - I explained how SDS is used to perform Communication Metrics that
081415 - deals with a primary cause of workplace stress from high flows of
081416 - information, called the Information Highway. Maynard feels some of
081417 - his clients could be helped by this capability. He is giving a
081418 - presentation to a business organization on this kind of thing.
081419 -
081420 - I will send him the NWO paper and the notes of the meeting with SCU on
081421 - the study of SDS effectance.
081422 -
081423 - [See follow up on psychologist to speak to PMI, per ref SDS 10
081424 - line 99, and letter to Maynard at ref SDS 11 line 67.]
081425 -
081426 -
081427 -
0815 -
0816 -
0817 - 1119 called called ADL 415 981 2500
0818 -
081801 - Asked for Jim Migdal to thank him for the leads.
081802 -
081803 - I thought he did not get my e-mail because his return e-mail looked
081804 - more like mail returned because of improper address. He said he got
081805 - my e-mail and responded. I checked further and found his message was
081806 - attached.
081807 -
081808 - He asked me to send him material on Communication Metrics and gives
081809 - his address as:
081810 -
081811 - Jim Migdal
081812 - Consultant
081813 - Arthur D. Little, Inc.
081814 - Four Embarcadero Center, Suite 600
081815 - San Francisco, CA 94111
081816 -
081817 - [See letter to Jim at ref SDS 11 line 91.]
081818 -
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0819 -