440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 25, 1995 09:42 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Rosanne Sykes re meeting to see SDS.
1...Summary/Objective SDS
2...Asilomar Conference
3...Rosanne's Plans for PMI
4...PMI Internet Project
5...PMI Elections
6...PMI's Experience v. Gadgets
.....Executive Board
.....experienced people, we could institute a review board that would
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0201 - Topflight Technology 415 312 8444 fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Rosanne Sykes
PMI events
Send product information, requesting give
Rosanne Sykes (Topflight)
Asilomar, PMI NCC, Ideas
0806 - ..
0807 - Summary/Objective SDS
0808 -
080801 - Follow up work at ref SDS 2 line 98, and ref DIP 1 line 30.
080802 -
080803 - Rosanne Sykes 415 312 8444
080804 -
080805 - Put our meeting off until next week. Discussed various issues re
080806 - PMI. Developed idea for executive board.
080807 -
080808 -
080809 -
0809 -
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Discussion
0813 -
081301 - Rosanne said she cannot meet this week because she is concentrating on
081302 - getting ready for the PMI event at Microsoft on Friday, ref SDS 5
081303 - line 25.
081304 -
081305 - We will try to do this at the conference at Microsoft on Friday, or
081306 - next week.
081307 -
081308 -
081309 - ..
081310 - Asilomar Conference
081311 -
081312 - Rosanne said the PMI Asilomar conference is cancelled. I mentioned
081313 - discussions with Bill about getting a speaker, ref SDS 10 line 49, and
081314 - with Stan Watson on this per ref SDS 6 line 131.
081315 -
081316 - We considered making "communications" the focus of the event, and
081317 - including a panel where Rosanne could explain how Topflight uses Lotus
081318 - Notes to support MS Project, ref SDS 2 line 100. Bill DeHart might
081319 - explain how SDS was applied to support MS Project at PG&E. Possibly
081320 - someone could show how Expedition or other procedures support
081321 - Primavera.
081322 -
081323 - Rosanne seemed more open to this idea.
081324 -
081325 - [This seems to have failed at ref SDS 11 line 60, for 1995
081326 - Asilomar, but may have led to a broader presentation at ref SDS
081327 - 14 line 46.]
081328 -
081329 -
081330 - Rosanne's Plans for PMI
081331 -
081332 - She plans to run PMI meetings next year like projects with a team for
081333 - each one.
081334 -
081335 - Not sure this is as good as having someone continually responsible
081336 - who has expertise and experience. Some will go well and others
081337 - will not. Perhaps one person could have overall responsibility,
081338 - and have a cadre of people draw on for support.
081339 -
081340 - [See follow up at ref SDS 15 line 271.]
081341 -
081342 - I asked if Sherrill McDonald is writing the weekly Newsletter.
081343 - Rosanne said Cheryl Leff is doing it. She said Cheryl is writing a
081344 - book on PM, and teaches at Golden Gate University. She gave me her
081345 - number:
081346 -
081347 - 415 345 9187
081348 -
081349 -
081350 - PMI Internet Project
081351 -
081352 - Rosanne said David McClure has completed the project to develop
081353 - Internet Webb features for PMI, ref SDS 1 line 69. She said McClure
081354 - Management was paid by PMI National to do this. So far there has been
081355 - no accountability of how funds were spent and what was achieved.
081356 -
081357 - She said McClure has finished its project with Sun, and should be able
081358 - to answer the phone now.
081359 -
081360 - [Followed up at ref SDS 12 line 67.]
081361 -
081362 -
081363 - PMI Elections
081364 -
081365 - We talked about how PMI elections are not open to regular vote.
081366 - Rosanne said Sherrill McDonald's name was submitted to PMI Board for
081367 - PMI president, but was not selected. The reasons for this were
081368 - unclear.
081369 -
081370 - I submitted the notes of the PMI meeting to Sherrill at ref SDS 9
081371 - line 57, which discuss this issue tangentially.
081372 -
081373 -
081374 - ..
081375 - PMI's Experience v. Gadgets
081376 -
081377 - Rosanne said she feels a lot of pressure to get things done within
081378 - PMI, as well as pursue her own career. I suggested she form a network
081379 - of colleagues within PMI to help her, and cited one source of support
081380 - might be the many people who have retired, but who wish to remain
081381 - active and engaged. I mentioned Sherrill McDonald as an example.
081382 - Rosanne said a lot of the older members do not have computers, an
081383 - Internet address or fax, and as a result they cannot contribute as
081384 - well as younger members who have computer skills and support from
081385 - their job organizations, like at PG&E.
081386 -
081387 - I mentioned that there may be many (e.g., Bill DeHart) who are "wired"
081388 - into the Information Highway, but for those who are not, PMI should be
081389 - able to utilize their management and leadership skills. We need
081390 - vision, analysis, experience, as well as people able to turn out
081391 - stuff. Anyway this seems to be a bit of an issue in the organization.
081392 - Somehow it seems that people were able to build the pyramids, the Bay
081393 - Bridge and BART who did not have computer skills, but had something
081394 - else important to getting things done.
081395 -
081396 - On balance I sense the PMI organization is fraying a bit when we rush
081397 - ahead to rely on inexperienced people who can use computers, and
081398 - overlook the valuable talents of our experienced memebership. Probably
081399 - some of this is natural, replacing the Old Guard is a constant
081400 - challenge, but we should not shoot ourselves in the foot by isolating
081401 - our most valuable resource: experience and leadership.
081402 -
081403 - Executive Board
081404 -
081405 - Perhaps to insure continuity of ideas and evaluation by
081406 - experienced people, we could institute a review board that would
081407 - report on proposed changes and events. This board consist of
081408 - people over 60, and would select their own chairman.
081409 -
081410 - This is one way to insure continued participation of our senior
081411 - members and give all of us the benefit of their experience.
081412 -
081413 - [Followed up at ref SDS 13 line 86.]
081414 -
081415 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"