440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 27, 1995 10:00 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Visit Bill DeHart on progress with various matters.


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0201 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys        415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655 pger 510 810 3026
020103 - Project Management Group

Budget for Other Projects

0605 -    ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000.
060702 -
060703 - Updated SDS on Bill's computer.  Set up icon for SDS in Windows.
060704 - Configured os2 so he can run SDS with more memory.  Gave him some os2
060705 - icons, and configured his desktop.
060706 -
060707 - Had some discussions on PG&E.
060708 -
060709 - Did not have time for much training.
060710 -
060711 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Progress
0611 -
061101 - Installed updated SDS program, and updated my SDS records.
061102 -
061103 - Returned his os2 disks.
061104 -
061105 -
061106 -  ..
0612 -
0613 -
0614 - Discussion
0615 -
061501 - Terry Mulford at PG&E.
061502 -
061503 -      He plans to talk to Terry next week, following up our
061504 -      discussions at ref SDS 16 line 64.
061505 -
061506 -
061507 - Communication Metrics
061508 -
061509 -      Did not discuss if he has talked to Dan Ono about meeting to
061510 -      discuss this idea.
061511 -
061512 -
061513 -
061514 -
061515 - SDS Training, scheduled for next Monday, 950227 1000.
061516 -
061517 -      Did very little of this.
061518 -
061519 -
061520 - Jake has not called him, per ref SDS 7 line 42, and ref SDS 13 line
061521 - 56.
061522 -
061523 -
061524 - Bill has not called Wayne Wetzel, but asked for his number and plans
061525 - to call him soon.  I made a task for Bill to do this, and connected
061526 - it to the last discussion with Wayne at ref SDS 14 line 57.
061527 -
061528 -
061529 -
061530 -
0616 -

Project Management
Correlation to accepted practice and

0906 - Summary/Objective
0907 -   ..
090701 - Bill said PG&E previously had separate schedule and cost
090702 - engineers. They combined these roles into "analysts" that support
090703 - project managers.
090704 -
090705 -     This would seem to support the idea of integrating cost, schedule
090706 -     and communication engineers into a single person, per Kerzner
090707 -     lecture at ref SDS 4 line 126.
090708 -
090709 -     I guess a problem Chris Snyder may have is with evaluating the
090710 -     value of "capturing the record" in the manner of SDS, not-with-
090711 -     standing Bill's recommendations, ref DRP 1 line 16.
090712 -
090713 -     [See follow up discussion with Chris at ref SDS 19 line 71.]
090714 -
090715 -
090716 -     [Later applied this idea in NWO paper, ref SDS 20 line 101.]
090717 -
090718 -
090719 -
090720 -
090721 -
090722 -
090723 -
090724 -
090725 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"