440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: August 22, 1994 04:49 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Investigate Extract for Transfer on PG&E's network.
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0201 - PG&E Proj Mngmnt Transm Sys 415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Senior Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655
020103 - Project Management Department
SDS Program
Configure for network s: drive
Extract for, & Install Transferred Records,
0705 - ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000.
070702 -
070703 - For some reason the Extract for Transfer failed this afternoon while
070704 - showing to Bill.
070705 -
070706 - Investigated to see why it crashes over the network. Turns out it also
070707 - crashes off the network, i.e. in the regular code. The problem is that
070708 - there were no tasks on the start date of the selection period.
070709 -
070710 -
070711 -
070712 -
070713 - ..
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - Analysis
0711 -
071101 - One problem on Bill's computer is likely not enough memory because he
071102 - is using Windows 3x. On os2, I have 752K, where he has only about
071103 - 420K or so.
071104 - ..
071105 - The analysis below inidicates this may not be the problem
071106 - afterall.
071107 -
071108 - Another problem is that the thing is looking at the g: drive instead
071109 - of S when it is on the network. That is an error. I ran on my
071110 - computer and it crashed. So the whole problem cannot be memory.
071111 -
071112 - It is called by macro 1172 from the menu.
071113 -
071114 - Research below seems to indicate the problem is in macro 935 in
071115 - 000005 about line 35, ref OF 3 line 20.
071116 -
071117 - We worked on this last at ref SDS 4 line 24 to create ability to
071118 - extract pointers for Publications, and previously at ref SDS 3 line
071119 - 303. It does not seem like either of these efforts should have
071120 - effected the problem today, since they do not seem to effect macro
071121 - 935.
071122 - ..
071123 - Looks like possibly the work at ref SDS 2 line 34, may have
071124 - caused the problem, since it does effect macro 935, see also
071125 - ref SDS 2 line 93.
071126 -
071127 - ..
071128 - Causation
071129 -
071130 - Actually it appears this is a unique problem where the start date of
071131 - the selection period is a date when there were no activities. So we
071132 - need to modify the code to accomodate this situation.
071133 -
071134 -
071135 -
0712 -
0713 -
0714 - 044030
0715 -
071501 - Line 505 -label 78qk, about 20 lines below it gets the macro 06110.
071502 -
071503 -
071504 -
071505 -
0716 -
0717 -
0718 - 06110
0719 - ..
071901 - Line 20 - this is the main code. I got it to run with a 2 week
071902 - period. Then tried a month and got an OS2 Trap 000e crash.
071903 -
071904 - Trying it again now after turning the computer off and back on.
071905 -
071906 - It happened again when I select a full month. Will now try the full
071907 - month again under debug 100.
071908 -
071909 -
071910 - Line 230 -label datOnly, about 80 lines below, this is where macro
071911 - 935 is called from 000005. It seems to be failing to make a list.
071912 -
071913 - It works if the duration is less than a month, but not for the
071914 - default time period. However, that is because the start date for
071915 - the selection period just happened to occur on a day when there
071916 - were no activities, see "Causation" above.
071917 -
071918 -
071919 -
071920 -
0720 -
0721 -
0722 - 000005
0723 - ..
072301 - Line 25 -entry 935, this the code that seems to be crashing when
072302 - we call a month.
072303 -
072304 - Looks like we worked on this at ref SDS 2 line 93.
072305 -
072306 - We set following params in 06110,
072307 -
072308 - setcnt 177 4444
072309 - setcnt 92 555
072310 - setgbl 92 555
072311 -
072312 -
072313 -
072314 -
0724 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"