440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: August 15, 1994 09:04 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Continue mobilize computer for PG&E assignment.

2...Network Failed/Now Works
3...Configuration Ideas

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0201 - PG&E VP Power System               415 223 4504 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Jeff A. Steinberg; Rm 2319; Mail Code B23B =415 223 4504

Proposal, Contract & Support
Network Access Procedures
SDS Workstation
Network Access/Interface, OS2
Banyon Vines

0708 -    ..
0709 - Summary/Objective
0710 -
071001 - Followed up work at ref SDS 14 line 57.
071002 -
071003 - Talked to Jeff.  He will investigate contacting Banyan Vines re os2
071004 - connection.  Looks like the network is a little erratic in coming on
071005 - line.
071006 -
071007 -
071008 -
0711 -
0712 -
0713 - Discussion
0714 -
071401 - I explained my objective to run Banyan Vines network under os2.  Jeff
071402 - will ask his boss about this and let me know the name of the contact
071403 - at Banyan who might be able to help me.  I just need software that
071404 - allows os2 to interface with Banyan.  We probably need some settings.
071405 -
071406 -
071407 -
071408 -  ..
071409 - Network Failed/Now Works
071410 -
071411 - Explained problem encountered last week, per ref SDS 14 line 118,
071412 - ref SDS 14 line 84.
071413 -
071414 -    Jeff said he made no changes to config.sys.  He said the only
071415 -    changes he made to autoexec.bat was to append the code for Banyon
071416 -    at the bottom of the file.
071417 -
071418 -    Jeff said there are at least two types of LAN cards.  He initially
071419 -    installed the new one, but could not get it to run without
071420 -    modifying config.sys.  He did not want to that because it might
071421 -    have messed up my system.  So, he installed an older card.
071422 -
071423 - ..
071424 - While we were talking, I tried the network again.  This time it
071425 - worked correctly.  I was able to log on.  This indicates an
071426 - intermittant failure.  We will keep an eye on this and try to
071427 - recognize some patterns that will indicate how to configure my
071428 - computer to avoid these failures.
071429 -
071430 - By the end of the day it appears the system is just a bit erratic.
071431 - It comes up on line consistently, then failes several times in a row.
071432 - Later it comes on line.
071433 -
071434 -
071435 -
0715 -
0716 -
0717 - 1008 Adam Wong called
0718 -   ..
071801 - He is an interim support rep.  Adam is following up Jeff's
071802 - inquiry about running Banyan under os2.  He said we can do this; it
071803 - requires some further configuration.  Adam will come by this afternoon
071804 - to do the work.  He feels Jeff, who is "local support" should work
071805 - this as well, so there is coordination on what is done.
071806 -
071807 - Adam said that a particular PG&E group should be notified about the
071808 - need for this type of work.  They are logging the occurrance and
071809 - frequency.
071810 -
071811 - I explained I am working under contract with Bill DeHart to evaluate a
071812 - management software program.  Our objective is to see what is needed
071813 - to apply it using PG&E's existing systems.
071814 -
071815 -
071816 -
071817 -
0719 -
0720 -
0721 - 1352 Network Failure
0722 -
072201 -  ..
072202 - Configuration Ideas
072203 -
072204 - This afternoon I tried to log on and the system would not come up.
072205 - Bill tried it also, and he had same problem.  This indicates the data
072206 - may not always be available.  Bill said this problem only occurs
072207 - about twice a month.
072208 -
072209 - One idea would be to put SDS on the local drive and enable individual
072210 - users to send designated files to the network.  Possibly we could save
072211 - files simultaneously to the network drive and the local drive. This
072212 - would insure constant access locally.  If people do data base
072213 - selections for multiple users, they could designate the network drive.
072214 -
072215 - Bill indicated he prefers to have SDS on the p: drive, because he can
072216 - log onto that part of the system when he goes to another PG&E office
072217 - in other locales.  If SDS were only on the local drive he would have
072218 - to keep his computer turned on all the time.
072219 -     ..
072220 -     On an interim basis that may be a good solution to evaluate
072221 -     SDS for a single month.
072222 -
072223 -     While we use the local drive method, we can consider how to
072224 -     integrate or develop access procedures for the network drive.
072225 -
072226 -
072227 -
0723 -
0724 -
0725 - 1520 Jeff called
0726 -
072601 - He said Adam and he will come by tomorrow morning.
072602 -
072603 -
0727 -


0905 - Summary/Objective
0906 -
090601 - Ask Adam and/or Jeff if they have any ideas about why we are getting
090602 - an extra sheet of paper from the printer, per ref SDS 14 line 162.
090603 -
090604 -    [Solution turned out to be disconnecting the Lexmark AES printer
090605 -    manager, per ref SDS 15 line 93.]
090606 -
090607 -
0907 -
0908 -
0909 - 1324 talked to Jim Serchak
0910 -
091001 - He suggests using the Wordperfect drivers.  So I need to bring these
091002 - from our office.  Possbily I can configure the notebook, CPU #7, at
091003 - the office for the HP III, then transfer the configuration to CPU #3
091004 - at PG&E.
091005 -
091006 -
091007 -
091008 -
0911 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"