440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: August 10, 1994 10:15 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Mobilize computer for PG&E assignment.


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0201 - IBM OS/2                           407 443 2000
020101 - Mr. Jesus Rodriguez
020102 - Dep:  6F8A (ZIP 1024) DOS App "Debug" Specialist =407 443 0452
020103 - Technical Support   =800 992 4777 fax 407 443 6940
0202 - PG&E VP Power System               415 223 4504 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Jeff A. Steinberg; Rm 2319; Mail Code B23B =415 223 4504

Proposal, Contract & Support
Terms & Conditions, Computer
Network Access Procedures
SDS Workstation
Network Access/Interface
Memory Management
3x647,psh  Banyan Network
Banyon Vines

0911 -    ..
0912 - Summary/Objective
0913 -
091301 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000.
091302 -
091303 - This morning I called and left message for Jeff about problems getting
091304 - logged onto the network.
091305 -
091306 - Got those problems solved.  Need to get network booted under os2.
091307 -
091308 -
091309 -  ..
0914 -
0915 -
0916 - Progress
0917 -
091701 - Tried logging on and initially it said the password was incorrect.  I
091702 - tried it later and it worked, so perhaps this is a timed access.
091703 - ..
091704 - Seemed to encounter problem when login op checked for MS Word
091705 - and did not find it.  Later turned out it checks the entire disk once,
091706 - looking for it, and when it did not find it, the operation resumes
091707 - looking for other files.
091708 -
091709 - Was finally able to get onto the system.  Could access S: but not P:
091710 - drive.
091711 -
091712 -
091713 -
091714 -  ..
0918 -
0919 -
0920 - 1143 called Jeff back
0921 -
092101 - We were able to modify autoexec.bat so it automatically enters user
092102 - id.
092103 - ..
092104 - We were able to load some of the files high, so we have up to
092105 - 480K free now, instead of 377.  This enabled the scanning software to
092106 - run successfully.  The disk passed.
092107 -
092108 - We may need MS word.
092109 -
092110 - For me to log onto the network from home will require special phone
092111 - that costs another $400.  Think I will hold off on this to see if we
092112 - do another month.
092113 -
092114 -
092115 -  ..
0922 -
0923 -
0924 - 1029 called IBM for os2
0925 -
092501 - Talked to Anwar.  He needs the name of the communication
092502 - software.
092503 -
092504 -        I advised this is Banyon Industries.
092505 -
092506 -
092507 - Problem #:  3x647,psh
092508 -
092509 -
092510 -
092511 -  ..
0926 -
0927 -
0928 - 1255 called back
0929 -
092901 - Talked to Jason.  He says Francisco Palcios called and left a message
092902 - for me.  He transferred me to Debbie in LAN support group.
092903 - ..
092904 - She says it has to be run in a vm (virtual machine) boot mode.
092905 -
092906 - She says the DOS rep says that Banyan Vine provides the support for
092907 - connecting to OS2.
092908 -
092909 -
092910 -
092911 -  ..
0930 -
0931 -
0932 - 1316 called Jeff back
0933 -
093301 - Left message we want to connect to Banyan via OS2, and that IBM says
093302 - Banyan provides that support.  Said I would let Jim Serchak know of
093303 - my inquiry.  If it is a large task, will not do this.
093304 -
093305 -
093306 -
093307 -  ..
0934 -
0935 -
0936 - 1326 visited with Jim Serchak
0937 -
093701 - Advised of above message to Jeff.  He feels this can be accomplished.
093702 -
093703 -
093704 -
093705 -
0938 -


1105 - Summary/Objective
1106 -
110601 - Jim will bring a 25' cable to connect to the printer over.
110602 -
110603 -
1107 -
1108 -
1109 - 1405 received cable from Jim
1110 -
111001 - We checked and found there is a plug on the server box for the
111002 - printer.  I can run the cable from the printer to my CPU.
111003 -
111004 - Test print shows we are in business.  May want to load fixed fonts.
111005 -
111006 -   Actually, we are having the same experience as with the Lexmark,
111007 -   where the letterhead is slightly off.  So will initially try loading
111008 -   all of the fonts.
111009 -   ..
111010 -   Do we need special drivers for Wordperfect?
111011 -
111012 -
111013 - Seem to be sending an extra page break for each sheet.
111014 -
111015 -
111016 -
111017 -
1111 -

Integrate with existing Systems; Mail
Download and upload messages

1205 - Summary/Objective
1206 -
120601 - Need to ask how to do this.  They must go to a particular file.
120602 -
120603 - We can save "File" to "disk," and give it a filename.
120604 -
120605 - We can upload by using the "Attach" field to identify a file.  This
120606 - means I can assign an SDS record.  Actually, it likely gets an image
120607 - rather than the actual file, so will do it like ATT mail, by calling
120608 - it x.
120609 -
120610 - "Attach" works, by moving the cursor to the field and pressing Enter.
120611 - This brings up a menu with instructions.
120612 -
120613 -
120614 -
1207 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"