440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 19, 1994 04:58 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

Received article from Kathleen on biology of memory.

.................mystery of consciousness
2...Connections Convert Information into Knowledge

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Kathleen, SDS, Training
Linking Records, Citations
Comments on usefulness
Human Memory, SDS Emulates
Human memory limitations and theory
POIMS definition, 930408
Crick, Francis - Discovered DNA with
Soul, Conscious
Organic Subject Structure, MBO
DNA Organic Structure Power Increased by Controlling Microcosm
Microcosm Power Increased by Controlling Lower Levels Organic Structu
DNA Organic Structures Greater Control Microcosm of Details Improves

1714 -    ..
1715 - Summary/Objective
1716 -
171601 - Following up our discussions on human memory and SDS citations on
171602 - 940205, ref SDS 6 9738, Kathleen sent a copy of an article in the Feb
171603 - 94 issue of Omni magazine, beginning on page 47 titled:
171604 -
171605 -             Soul Searching with
171606 -             Francis Crick
171607 -
171608 - The article is written by:  Daniel Voll.
171609 -
171610 - I called Kathleen to discuss how SDS applies Crick's ideas through the
171611 - linking and citation tools in the manner explained by the review of
171612 - Van Kasper's Knowledge revolution on 931008. ref SDS 3 7788. She has
171613 - not worked with these tools enough to see the correlation.
171614 -
171615 - The article is a very general overview of Mr. Crick's recent on how
171616 - the brain creates and manages "awareness," also called...
171617 -
171618 -                         "consciousness"
171619 -
171620 - This is the faculty commonly called "being' or the "soul." However,
171621 - the article adds very little to what is presented in Jeromy Campbell's
171622 - book, "The Improbable Machine," reviewed on 900303. ref SDS 1.
171623 -
171624 -     [On 950409 Time magazine featured work in cognitive science that
171625 -     discussed "soul" and the mystery of consciousness. ref SDS 8 2627
171626 -     and at ref SDS 8 7211]
171627 -
171628 - Therefore, I did not scan it into the system.  I will enter some
171629 - perspective on Mr. Crick in this record.
171630 - ..
171631 - Crick was a co-discoverer of the double-helix structure of DNA,
171632 - the master molecule that contains the genetic code, along with Thomas
171633 - Watson, in the early 1950's.
171634 -
171635 - During the war, Crick designed mines to blow up German submarines.
171636 -
171637 -      [On 990303 reviewed George Miller's paper on cognitive science
171638 -      presented in 1955, but considered a classic, and which seems to
171639 -      support SDS design. ref SDS 9 6284]
171640 -
171641 -      [On 001108 Watson's and Crick's work discovering DNA structure
171642 -      was cited to explain insight and creativity. ref SDS 10 IL6I
171643 -
171644 - For the past 15 years Crick has been a neurobioligist at the Salk
171645 - Institute in San Diego, CA, studying what he calls the...
171646 -
171647 -                 mystery of consciousness
171648 -
171649 - The article focuses on Crick's apparent outspoken disdain for
171650 - religious explanations of humanity, since they lack the rigour of his
171651 - scientific inquiry; page 48 says:
171652 -
171653 -     "Religion, he claims, is "based on evidence which by scientific
171654 -     standards is so flimsy that only an act of blind faith makes it
171655 -     acceptable."
171656 -
171657 -     The only way to understand what we regard as the soul, Crick
171658 -     argues, is to understand how nerve cells in the brain behave and
171659 -     interact.
171660 -
171661 -
171662 -  ..
171663 - Connections Convert Information into Knowledge
171664 -
171665 - SDS method of connecting information into chronologies of cause and
171666 - effect based on organic subject structures that maintain context, is
171667 - supported by Crick's ideas, as reported in the article on page 48...
171668 -
171669 -    Althouth the main function of the visual system is to perceive
171670 -    objects and events around us, the information available to our eyes
171671 -    "is not sufficient by itself to provide the brain with its unique
171672 -    interpretation of the visual world."  In a recent special issue of
171673 -    Scientific American devoted to the mind and brain, Crick and his
171674 -    collaborator for the past several years, Christol Koch, a
171675 -    computation and neural-systems specialist for the California
171676 -    Institute of Technology, speculated on how the brain uses past
171677 -    experience ---"either its own or that of our distant ancestors,
171678 -    which is embedded in our genes"--- to help interpret the
171679 -    information coming into our eyes.  "Your eyes---or we will say---
171680 -    your brain," they wrote, "must find the best interpretation of
171681 -    visual symbols in the light of its past experience.  Thus, what the
171682 -    brain has to build up is a many-level interpretation of the visual
171683 -    scene, usually in terms of objects and events and their meaning to
171684 -    us."
171685 -
171686 - This supports the SDS method discussed on 910221 of building organic
171687 - subject structures, like DNA, for connecting information to
171688 - "experience" as crucial to the functioning of the brain, so the better
171689 - people are able to capture experience, and organize it according to
171690 - human needs at the personal level, and according to objectives,
171691 - requirements and commitments at the organizational level, the easier
171692 - it is to retrieve relevant understanding of cause and effect to avoid
171693 - making mistakes. ref SDS 2 RR5I
171694 -
171695 -     [On 960409 Time magazine featured work in cognitive science that
171696 -     discussed "soul" as how the mind "turns the water into wine,"
171697 -     which deasl with the mystery of consciousness. ref SDS 8 2627 and
171698 -     at ref SDS 8 7211
171699 -
171700 - SDS is an "experience machine" ref OF 1 3385, and ref OF 1 1112, also
171701 - supported by Jeremy Campbell's writings at ref SDS 1 3016.
171702 -
171703 - I think I read Crick's article on the brain in SA, but cannot find a
171704 - reference to it in the system.
171705 -
171706 -
171707 -
171708 -
171709 -
171710 -
171711 -
171712 -