440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 29, 1993 01:00 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Visit KH office to update SDS, fix billing system, reporting in Windows.


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0201 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng           415 626 6766
020101 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Principal

Installation, SDS Program
Screen Delayed in Reports, under Windows
Delayed Screen in SDS, 920725

0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Followed up on changes to config.sys I gave him last week, ref SDS 9
050702 - line 050704.
050703 -
050704 -     Charged this to Welch, since it seems to be an anomoly between
050705 -     SDS and Windows.
050706 -
050707 -
050708 - He correctly entered the revised spec I gave him, but, as discovered
050709 - later, it did not improve the problem.  I called about it this morning
050710 - and will do more research per ref SDS 11 line 060801.
050711 -
050712 - On interim basis, left note for Denis that he can avoid problem by
050713 - doing File Access and Report operations in "Full Screen" mode.
050714 -
050715 -
050716 -
050717 -
0508 -

Installation, SDS Program
Billing System

0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Experimented with billing system for about 30 minutes, but by the time
060602 - finished working with the delayed screen problem above, did not have
060603 - time to complete this analysis.  Had to go to prelim hearing in WDG v.
060604 - Nibbi Lowe.
060605 -
060606 -    Got this set up in debug mode, and found the place where the hang
060607 -    up is occurring, but did not have time to fix it.
060608 -
0607 -

Installation, SDS Program
Subject Index

0705 - Summary/Objective
0706 -
070601 - Was able to fix Subject Index problem that prevented him from
070602 - transferring an entry from Master Index, to Current Index.  The
070603 - problem was the flag identifying an Index, as a "Master" was missing
070604 - from his Master projects Index.  This just requires adding it to the
070605 - end of the Directory string.  This works now.
070606 -
070607 -
0707 -

SDS Program Training
Subject Index
Transfer SDS records

0906 - Summary/Objective
0907 -
090701 - Downloaded my records for past few days to Denis' computer, and
090702 - completed linking my records for meetings with Denis, to his records,
090703 - so he can use my subject index to do reports.
090704 -
090705 -
090706 -
0908 -

Welch CM Services
Design Professionals

1005 -
100501 -  ..
100502 -
100503 - Downloaded Denis records, including his analysis on 930414 of Welch
100504 - scope of services for his Mission Bay - 2 project, per ref SDS 3 0000.
100505 -
100506 - I need to review and comment.
100507 -
100508 -     [On 930917 Denis submitted Scope of Services for SDS to Mission
100509 -     Bay mangement. ref SDS 12 2664]
100510 -
100511 -     [On 980818 submitted USACE scope of services for Communication
100512 -     Metrics to see if it would accomplish Denis' objectives for
100513 -     Mission Bay. ref SDS 13 0000]
100514 -
100515 -
100516 -
1006 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"