440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: March 2, 1993 08:06 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Received response from Sheila re POIMS book.


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SDS Marketing Sales
Avertizing, Writing for Publication
Book (uses manual language)
Project Management Journal, 910611

0506 -    ..
0507 - Summary/Objective
0508 -
050801 - Sheila responded today, via ref DRT 1, to my manuscript, ref DIP 4,
050802 - submitted at ref SDS 5 line 59.  She expects to read material
050803 - carefully over the weekend, and will get back to me with ideas and
050804 - comments.  She likes the intial scan of the material.
050805 -
050806 - Sent her a reply, ref DIT 1, that I look forward to hearing from her.
050807 -
050808 -
0509 -
0510 -
0511 - Pending edits
0512 -
051201 - Ideas to supplement and support current MS:
051202 -
051203 -     1.  Explain how to overcome impediments of communication between
051204 -         levels of organizational hierarchy, by challenging ourselves
051205 -         through self-dialog.
051206 -
051207 -     2.  Incorporate some PMJ article language, ref OF 3, e.g. quote
051208 -         the guys at Intel on how computers help executives; the value
051209 -         of "management data entry;" etc.
051210 -
051211 -     3.  Address litigation risks arising from legal "discovery" of
051212 -         written records.  Explain value of "discovering" new ideas,
051213 -         and "discovering" inchoate problems so corrective action can
051214 -         be taken before harm occurs that might otherwise cause
051215 -         litigation.
051216 -
051217 -     4.  Incorporate ideas about "faith" in the review of Stephen
051218 -         Covey's work.  Show how POIMS implements well accepted
051219 -         management theory.  This requires background on current
051220 -         thinking by others.
051221 -
051222 -     5.  Incorporate the review of the Cal Tech seminar.
051223 -
051224 -
051225 -
051226 -
0513 -