440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 3, 1992 02:15 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Entered notes of Pat's funeral service.


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Pat has leukemia, 921102

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Completed this at ref SDS 2 0000.  Was able to work in a number of
040502 - POIMS themes, in particular the idea of detailed notes of what
040503 - happened, as a means to understand the past.  This fit well with the
040504 - chronological structure of the record, that otherwise would have
040505 - seemed out of place.
040506 -
040507 - Wrote a little something on most of the people I know who were there.
040508 -
040509 - Was able to link up an explanation of weather to sun shining on
040510 - warriors of past wars, since Pat is of the WW II era, as were his
040511 - contemporaries, and this is like passing the torch to a new
040512 - generation.  I was struck by the age of most attendees.
040513 -
040514 - Managed some extended remarks for Peg about our "Three Muskateers"
040515 - adventures with Pat.  Tied in Peg's recollection of Pat and Dad
040516 - talking politics to my recollection of them talking about carpentry
040517 - (hanging a door), and this worked into converting a legacy of
040518 - excellence in working wood, stone and steel, into a modern approach to
040519 - use knowledge and ideas. ref SDS 2 3332
040520 -
040521 - Worked out some language on Mike and Janet's' role in education.  Got
040522 - in an acknowledgement of my Dad and Lillian in getting me interested
040523 - in learning, along with the help of some teachers.
040524 -
040525 - Linked up a recounting of children and new born with the idea of
040526 - family gatherings like we used to do at Grandmother's, and that Pat
040527 - would have like this.
040528 -
040529 -  ..
040530 -
040531 - Sent notes of yesterday to Peg, Uncle Jim, and Mom, Lillian.
040532 -
040533 -
040534 -
0406 -