440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 22, 1990 06:39 PM .......;
Rod Welch
Ross called for assistance on starting SDS.
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WMA Marketing
Evaluation by Outsiders
Start program with existing
CSF file (900722)
IBM Ross Armstrong will Try SDS with New Manual
IBM Ross Armstrong Loaned CPU #4 to Try SDS
Demonstrated SDS New Features Ross to Try Pilot Testing Again
0709 -
0709 - ..
0710 - Summary/Objective
0711 -
071101 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0001, ref SDS 3 0000.
071102 -
071103 - Ross is getting a blank screen when he enters...
071104 -
071105 - C>sd ross
071107 - ..
071108 - I ran this on cpu #4 here, and got the same result. Made a separate
071109 - Ross.csf, and changed the date to test it. It comes up blank.
071110 -
071112 - ..
0712 -
0713 - Dates not created correctly on new Start Up
0714 - Problem #2
0715 -
071501 - Looks like the days of the week are off in Ross.csf.
071503 - ..
0716 -
0717 - Hardware, Monitor connection
0718 - Prblem #2
0719 -
071901 - He also started getting a blank screen.
071902 -
071903 - At first I thought it might be the disk drive temperature problem.
071904 - Finally tried wetting the pins on the monitor connector, and this
071905 - worked to get the monitor going.
071907 - ..
0720 -
0721 - 2210 called Ross back
0722 -
072201 - Explained correction, ref SDS 5 0001 and ref SDS 5 RC8G
072202 -
072203 - He could not fix the problem with 04702 because he does not have the
072204 - development files.
072206 - ..
072207 - Will send him SDS development files so he can make corrections as
072208 - needed.
072209 -
072210 - [On 900723 sent Ross SDS development files so he can make
072211 - corrections as needed. ref SDS 6 0001
072212 -
072213 -
072214 -
072215 -
072216 -
072217 -
072218 -
0723 -
0724 -