440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: August 20, 1988 02:30 PM .......; Rod Welch

Visited the Broadwater Dam project to inspect conditions.

2...Problem Access road Will Destroy Car, Need Alternate Transportation
3...Problem Site conditions Too dusty for computer

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0201 - Gracon Corporation                   303 667 2203
020101 - Mr. Dale Harrington; Superintendent
020102 - Broadwater Power Project

BPP - Sletten

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 3 8947, ref SDS 2 9857.
040502 -
040503 - Found the site without any problem using instructions from Jeff on
040504 - 880818. ref SDS 2 9392
040505 -
040506 - There seemed to be a single rod buster working in the cofferdam area
040507 - setting rebar.
040508 -
040509 -
040510 -
040511 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Problem Access road Will Destroy Car, Need Alternate Transportation
040902 -
040903 - The road is about 7 miles, and is too rough for the car.  The car will
040904 - be torn apart within a few weeks using it to get to the job on a daily
040905 - basis over this road.
040906 -
040907 - Will have to develop alternate transportation.
040908 -
040909 - Might catch a ride with Jeff, since he lives in Helena and comes this
040910 - way each day.  Possibly the secretary or the State Inspector could
040911 - provide transportation also.
040912 -
040913 -     [On 880822 made arrangements with the secretary, JoAnn for a ride
040914 -     to the job. ref SDS 4 0001
040915 -
040916 -
040917 -  ..
040918 - Problem Site conditions Too dusty for computer
040919 -
040920 - Will not take computer to site tomorrow because it is too dusty.
040921 -
040922 - Want to ask Joane how their computer is holding up under these
040923 - conditions.
040924 -
040925 - Can understand why Clyde feels the conditions are difficult on their
040926 - copy machine. ref SDS 1 3876
040927 -
040928 - Will leave the Panasonic printer at the Motel until a secure
040929 - condition is created to avoid duty damage.
040930 -
040931 - Initially could not find the Tudor trailor.  Did not notice a "Tudor"
040932 - sign.  Gragon's supertendent explained that Tudor is in a trailer with
040933 - "Sletton's name.
040934 -
040935 -
040936 -  ..
0410 -
0411 - Met Gracon's Superintendant
0412 -
041201 - Dale Harrington explained the status of their work.
041202 -
041203 - Schedule
041204 -
041205 -   Dale feels Gragon is ahead of their schedule.  He indicated there
041206 -   are no difficulties with Gragon's work resulting from Sletton's
041207 -   performance even though much of it depends upon the Sletton
041208 -   contract.
041209 -
041210 - Dale was aware of my assignment -- said he understands another
041211 - trailer will be provided for my use.
041212 - ..
041213 - I advised that my focus will be to assist Jeff with the Sletton
041214 - contract.
041215 -
041216 -
041217 -
041218 -
041219 -
0413 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"