Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: August 30, 2010 00:58 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Morris letter on adding executable support for SDS at DOS prompt.


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Compile Java into E-exe SDS Java Code Don't Depend on Users Having J

1303 -
1303 -    ..
1304 - Summary/Objective
1305 -
130501 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0000, ref SDS 2 0000.
130502 -
130503 -
130505 -  ..
1306 -
1307 -
1308 - Progress
1309 -
130901 - On Saturday Morris fixed several more commands toward completing Medit
130902 - Java needed to run SDS, reported on 100828 1607, ref SDS 3 845O
130904 -  ..
130905 - Sent a letter to Morris saying...
130906 -
130907 -    1.  Subject: Next Objective e.exe call with param
130908 -        Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2010 21:50:35 -0700
130915 -         ..
130916 -    3.  Made it to New York.  Having a good time.  Ross and Claudia
130917 -        showing me the town: Rockefeller Center, ground zero, museums,
130918 -        etc.  Next week will be the Yankees in the Bronx.  Millie would
130919 -        have loved this.
130921 -         ..
130922 -    4.  Stuff you developed on 100828 seems to work fine.  The next
130923 -        step is to create e.exe file, that takes a param, or
130924 -        alternative that launches sds at DOS prompt. [...planned in
130925 -        meeting on 081104 0700. ref SDS 1 267I...]
130927 -         ..
130928 -    5.  The current process to launch sds is...
130929 -
130930 -                  c: sd 01 sds.cmd
130931 -
130932 -        ...this calls....
130933 -
130934 -                  C:\SD\01\e messages C:\SD\03\04702
130935 -
130936 -        ...which opens a file "messages" that is blank shell and runs
130937 -        04702 that does the group manager to launch SDS for a specified
130938 -        user, that gives access to the data base, contacts, subjects.
130940 -         ..
130941 -    6.  So, the next thing to develop is an "e.exe" program that can
130942 -        open a file with a specified macro and without the Netbeans
130943 -        environment.
130944 -
130945 -            [On 100830 1225 called and talked to Morris about compiling
130946 -            new Medit java code into e.exe. ref SDS 4 O67S
130948 -             ..
130949 -            [On 100831 0021 Morris requested research for software to
130950 -            compile Medit java code into e.exe; research shows that
130951 -            compiling java .jar code into .exe programs is common
130952 -            practice for using java applications on Microsoft Windows
130953 -            platforms, ref SDS 5 UP4J
130955 -         ..
130956 -    7.  I am testing current code by manually opening "messages" and
130957 -        then calling 04702 from the command line.
130959 -         ..
130960 -    8.  I'll call tomorrow on how your schedule looks for doing this
130961 -        next step.
130962 -
130963 -            [...below called and left message for Morris. ref SDS 0
130964 -            4Q5A
130965 -
130966 -            [On 100830 1225 call Morris and discussed objectives to
130967 -            compile java Medit code into an executable e.exe file.
130968 -            ref SDS 4 O67S
130970 -             ..
130971 -            [On 100831 0021 called Morris and discussed this
130972 -            requirement.  He asked for links to sources for ways to
130973 -            accomplish the work. ref SDS 5 ME5G; there is a good
130974 -            explanation on purpose of compiling java code into e.exe,
130975 -            ref SDS 5 HZ4O
130977 -             ..
130978 -            [On 100920 1407 Morris seems to be resisting compiling Java
130979 -            development code into e.exe. ref SDS 6 I65M
130980 -
130986 -
130987 -
130988 -
130989 -
130990 -
130991 -
1310 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

1403 -
1404 - 1208
140501 -  ..
140502 - Sent another letter to Morris saying...
140503 -
140504 -    1.  Subject: Windows Cut & Paste Similar to DOS
140505 -        Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 12:07:26 -0400
140512 -         ..
140513 -    2.  Another feature critical to SDS productivity is Windows Cut and
140514 -        Paste called in DOS from the icon in the top left corner of the
140515 -        DOS window.
140517 -         ..
140518 -    3.  This is needed to efficiently get content from other
140519 -        applications and the Internet into the record without having to
140520 -        type it.
140521 -
140522 -            [....below on 100830 0058 called Morris and discussed this
140523 -            requirement.  He asked for links to sources for ways to
140524 -            accomplish the work. ref SDS 0 F96H
140525 -
140531 -
140533 -  ..
1406 -
1407 -
1408 - 1222
1409 -
140901 - Called and left message for Morris on the letter this morning, per
140902 - above. ref SDS 0 UG6H
140903 -
140904 -
140905 -
140906 -
140907 -
140908 -
140909 -
1410 -