440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 17, 2009 01:17 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Ramone called to plan progress review heart surgery recovery.


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0201 - US Department of Veterans Affairs
020101 - Mr. Ramon A Datar
020102 - Administrative Support Assistant
020104 - Cardiothoracic Surgery Department

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000. ref SDS 16 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040963 -  ..
040964 - On 091104 left leg incision recovering better implemeting Jan's
040965 - suggestion to elevate after hiking, 091104 0718, ref SDS 17 I15I,
040966 - Paula visits and concurs left leg looks much better. ref SDS 17 4Z7N
040967 - lab reports WBC 12 droped from 19 the day before, reflecting
040968 - improvement in left leg incision recovery. ref SDS 17 PRPV  Doctor
040969 - Tseng and medical team visits and confirms patient can be discharged
040970 - today. ref SDS 17 PR4V
040971 -
040973 -  ..
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - Progress
0413 -
041301 - Ramone called to advise that Neil needs several tasks performed prior
041302 - to meeting for progress review on 091119 1000, as scheduled in
041303 - discharge instructions, reported on 091104 0718. ref SDS 17 GU3O
041304 -
041305 -        1.  Blood draw for lab tests.
041306 -        2.  Xray evaluate fluid surrounding the lungs.
041307 -        3.  EKG evaluate heart function.
041309 -  ..
041310 - Ramone suggests arriving an hour early at 0900 in order to have enough
041311 - time for performing the tests, and then meeting with Neil at 1000.
041313 -  ..
041314 - Discussed consolidating blood draw needed on 091119 with blood draw
041315 - today at VA in Martinez to test for INR.
041317 -  ..
041318 - Ramone will call the VA in Martinez to coordinate.
041319 -
041320 -     [On 091117 1500 meeting at VA in Martinez; Ramon called and
041321 -     coordinated getting tests for meeting with Neil on 091119 in San
041322 -     Francisco to review progress recovering from heart surgery.
041323 -     ref SDS 18 TC4I
041325 -      ..
041326 -     [On 091118 1322 letter to medical team submits agenda for meeting
041327 -     on 091119, and thanks Ramon for coordinating to save time and
041328 -     money getting tests done in time for the team to be prepared for a
041329 -     productive meeting. ref SDS 19 Z69P
041330 -
041331 -
041332 -
041333 -
041334 -
041335 -
041336 -
041337 -
041338 -
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0414 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"