Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: November 1, 2009 09:10 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Heart surgery meeting CT team plan discharge and achalasia solution.

2...Hot Towel Turnequet Solve Blood Draws Difficulty Finding Vein
3...Blood Draws Difficulty Finding Vein Solved with Hot Towel Turnequet

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0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000. ref SDS 12 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040964 -
040966 -  ..
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - Progress
0413 -
041301 - Had a blood draw first thing after doing 10 laps.
041302 -
041304 -  ..
0414 -
0415 -
0416 - 1009
0417 -
041701 - Neil and a new member to the CT team, Doctor Nhan Nguyen, visited.
041702 -
041703 - Neil removed the wrap on the right leg, which KC had placed Friday
041704 - afternoon, reported on 091030 0810. ref SDS 12 Z29K
041706 -  ..
041707 - He noticed some slight seepage near the ankle, and asked Doctor Nguyen
041708 - to clean and dress it after the meeting (this was never done).
041710 -  ..
041711 - Neal said the labs this morning show that blood counts are within
041712 - target range, including albumin.  He further reported that WBC spiked
041713 - from 12 to 17, so there is a concern about another possible
041714 - infection of some kind.
041715 -
041716 -     [...below xray ordered for pneumonia. ref SDS 0 PR6Y
041718 -  ..
041719 - They have ordered another xray to check the lungs for pneumonia.
041721 -  ..
041722 - Vitals are excellent.
041724 -  ..
041725 - Discussed progress on discharge relative to meetings with Joe and
041726 - Elaine yesterday on 091031 0730. ref SDS 13 I15I
041728 -  ..
041729 - Reviewed background on correlation with low labs for albumin and
041730 - pre-albumin arising only because eating stopped for a few days to
041731 - facilitate tests and then heart surgery.
041733 -  ..
041734 - Neal said the CT team feels I have been a good sport on the feeding
041735 - tube project.  He indicated that everyone is on the same page to work
041736 - with the patient get things done as soon as possible.
041738 -  ..
0418 -
0419 -
0420 - 1026
0421 -
042101 - Joy arrives to tap another vein with a catheter, because the catheter
042102 - Kathi placed last Thursday has expired.  Joy said that catheters
042103 - created with IV's only last 4 days.  There is no blood draw nor drip
042104 - treatment ordered, but VA protocol requires replacing catheters every
042105 - 4 days to prevent infection and maintain viable medication injection
042106 - support while the patient is in TCU.
042107 -
042108 -        [On 091219 0600 4 days after Heller Myotomy surgery planning
042109 -        discharge next day; therefore standard protocol to replace IV
042110 -        catheter not followed to avoid expense and inconvenience to
042111 -        patient, and since the patient has been approved to get
042112 -        medication with pills orally. ref SDS 17 0L46
042114 -  ..
042115 - Millie arrived at this time, and she got to observe Rod get the
042116 - "treatment" she has been getting the past 8 years.
042118 -  ..
042119 - Joy was excellent.
042121 -  ..
042122 - Reviewed backgound on 091022 when Doctor Brezinzki and his team
042123 - including Sarah and Justin, had a lot of difficulty placing catheter
042124 - IV's in the left and right arms, 091022 0700, ref SDS 11 01F9,
042125 - continuing difficulties experienced the day before by Kevin on 091021
042126 - 0716, ref SDS 10 737P, and again by Susan and Steven. ref SDS 10 BU5I
042127 -
042128 -
042130 -  ..
042131 - Hot Towel Turnequet Solve Blood Draws Difficulty Finding Vein
042132 - Blood Draws Difficulty Finding Vein Solved with Hot Towel Turnequet
042133 -
042134 - Joy decided to use a trick, not previously applied.  She heated a wet
042135 - towel, and wrapped the right arm.  She said this allows blood to flow
042136 - more readily, and so with the tournequet, used previously by the
042137 - Brezinski team, this enabled Joy to place a catheter on the first try
042138 - finding a good vein about 2" above the right wrist on the outer
042139 - forearm.
042141 -  ..
042142 - Joy further noted that there is some luck in this process.
042143 -
042144 -            [On 110429 1230 case study on similar problems at VA in
042145 -            Martinez, getting adequate blood flow through IV catheter,
042146 -            related to dehydration from heavy exercise and low water
042147 -            intake hours before medical care; solved by getting another
042148 -            nurse to complete work. ref SDS 18 SR8M
042150 -  ..
042151 - After setting the new catheter in the right arm, Joy removed the
042152 - catheter placed by Kathi with similar location on Thursday, except on
042153 - the inner arm, rather than the outer arm.  Removal was somehat
042154 - painful, because the catheter is taped to the arm, which has hair, so
042155 - removal pulls the hair.
042157 -  ..
042158 - Joy used another trick to place oil or vaseline of some kind in the
042159 - perimeter of the tape.  This was only marginally successuful reducing
042160 - pain of removing the tape to remove the catheter.
042162 -  ..
042163 - Reviewed background on 091021 when Remy in ICU shaved hair to provide
042164 - unimpeded access to treatment sites for tests and surgery.
042166 -  ..
042167 - Joy gave an explanation that was unclear when shaving a site for a
042168 - needle prick was more at risk from shaving skin, than doing the same
042169 - thing for a surgical incision.
042170 -
042171 -
042173 -  ..
0422 -
0423 -
0424 - 1106
0425 -
042501 - Gloria advises that Radiology wants the customer for an xray to test
042502 - for pneumonia.  This follows up report this morning of elevated WBC
042503 - from 12 - 17. ref SDS 0 QE8M
042505 -  ..
042506 - The nurses aide pushed the customer to Radiology in a wheelchair, even
042507 - though can walk fine.
042509 -  ..
042510 - The woman who has performed mobile xrays the past several days in a
042511 - row, pushed the wheelchair into the xray room.  Stood up and in front
042512 - of a target screen.  She took the xray.  A second xray was taken while
042513 - standing and turning 90 degrees for a side shot of the lungs.
042514 -
042515 -
042517 -  ..
0426 -
0427 -
0428 - 1126
0429 -
042901 - After returning, and visiting for awhile, took a walk to show Millie
042902 - the route hiking 5 miles or so the past few days.
042904 -  ..
042905 - Millie left for home wondering about what will happen tomorrow.
042906 -
042908 -  ..
0430 -
0431 -
0432 - 1412
0433 -
043301 - Asked Gloria to call and ask Neil to call the patient about a test
043302 - that evaluates benefits of Ensure in relation to ending treatment with
043303 - the feeding tube.
043305 -  ..
043306 - Also called the front desk and talked to Summer.  Since don't know
043307 - Neil's last name, Summer tried to find Neil's number.  Had trouble, so
043308 - gave her Doctor Ngugyen's name.
043309 -
043311 -  ..
0434 -
0435 -
0436 - 1423
0437 -
043701 - Doctor Nguyen called.
043702 -
043703 - Explained idea to not use the feeding tube tonight in order to
043704 - experiment with trade-offs between taking more Ensure, based on
043705 - Hellen's calculations a few days ago.  A blood test in the morning
043706 - will show the effects of the trade-off to guide adding Ensure to the
043707 - home diet.
043709 -  ..
043710 - Nguyen asked about the diet at home.
043712 -  ..
043713 - Explained plans to eat some of prior diet with emphasis on liquid
043714 - digestion.  So for example, I can make a salad consisting of avacado,
043715 - onion and cellary cut into fine bits, cottage, and brockley and
043716 - sometimes cawleflower.  With condiments of mayonaize and ranch
043717 - dressing, this is nearly a liquid diet.
043719 -  ..
043720 - Small bites chased with liquid like water, lemmon mixed with grade
043721 - juice and Squirt or Doctor Peper should allow this combination to
043722 - seep through into the stomach, similar to Ensure.
043724 -  ..
043725 - Will have clam chowder similar soup.
043727 -  ..
043728 - Breakfast will be Cherios with fruit well cut up with plenty of milk
043729 - that largely liquifies the cereal.
043731 -  ..
043732 - This will be supplemented with 4 - 6 Ensure per day.
043734 -  ..
043735 - Doctor Nguyen said he would order removal of the feeding tube this
043736 - afternoon.
043738 -  ..
043739 - Thanked the doctor for support.
043740 -
043741 -        [On 091102 0642 Joe reports CT test finds aspiration pneumonia,
043742 -        which accounts for elevated WBC; treatment requires avoiding
043743 -        risk of further aspirating food and liquid into the lungs while
043744 -        eating, and so the team wants to reinstall the feeding tube.
043745 -        ref SDS 14 PB6Y
043747 -         ..
043748 -        [On 091102 0642 Joe reports that Doctor Tseng is disappointed
043749 -        about order to remove the feeding tube, and she prescribes
043750 -        replacing the feeding tube again as a condition for discharging
043751 -        the patient. ref SDS 14 WC77
043753 -         ..
043754 -        [On 091103 0347 Neil advised CT Surgery Team discussed
043755 -        replacing feeding tube; this is patient's call based on history
043756 -        since 2005 adapting to achalasia and maintaining sufficient
043757 -        nutrition for lifestyle of vigorous exercise. ref SDS 15 U66G
043759 -         ..
043760 -        [On 091103 0347 Paula reports diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia
043761 -        has been withdrawn. ref SDS 15 HA5L
043763 -         ..
043764 -        [On 091214 1100 lab shows albumin 4.2, increased well above 3.6
043765 -        nutrition target criteria set by CT Surgery Team on 091030,
043766 -        ref SDS 12 MU5N, and was achieved without reliance on feeding
043767 -        tube, and by drinking 6 cans of Ensure per day, and minimal
043768 -        normal food digestion, pending resolution of achalasia.
043769 -        ref SDS 16 GI65
043770 -
043771 -
043773 -  ..
0438 -
0439 -
0440 - 1431
0441 -
044101 - Gloria came into the room and related she was called by the doctor
044102 - and told to remove the feeding tube.
044104 -  ..
044105 - Karina was with Gloria.
044107 -  ..
044108 - Gloria asked Karina if the nurse can remove the feeding tube, since
044109 - it was placed by a doctor.
044111 -  ..
044112 - Karina assured Gloria that nurses in Telemtry unit remove feeding
044113 - tubes under doctor's oders.
044115 -  ..
044116 - Gloria said she wants a doctor's order signed on the computer before
044117 - she removes the feeding tube.
044118 -
044120 -  ..
0442 -
0443 -
0444 - 1441
0445 -
044501 - Gloria came into the room.  She has the doctor's order to remove the
044502 - feeding tube.
044504 -  ..
044505 - Based on prior discussion with Karina, asked Gloria if she has done
044506 - this previously, and if not, should Karina be asked to do the task
044507 - with Gloria observing.
044509 -  ..
044510 - Gloria said she has done this procedure many, many times.  It is very
044511 - simple.  Her only question to Karina earlier was whether the nurse can
044512 - do this on the doctor's verbal order.  Since she now has a written
044513 - order, she can easily remove the feeding tube.
044515 -  ..
044516 - Take a deep breath and hold it.
044518 -  ..
044519 - Gloria removes the feeding in about 2 seconds with a long continuous
044520 - pull.  She showed the full tube.  Looks 2.5 to 3 feet.
044522 -  ..
044523 - Didn't feel a thing.
044525 -  ..
044526 - Thanked Gloria.
044527 -
044529 -  ..
0446 -
0447 -
0448 - 1512
0449 -
044901 - Doctor Nguyen came into the room and noticed that Gloria had already
044902 - executed his order to remove the feeding tube.
044904 -  ..
044905 - The doctor related having just talked to Neal on the telephone.  Neal
044906 - evidently indicated the team had not yet decided to remove the feeding
044907 - tube, because they wanted to give Doctor Stewart an opportunity to
044908 - comment tomorrow on Monday, before taking action today.
044910 -  ..
044911 - Doctor Nguyen said he is none-the-less comfortable with the decision.
044913 -  ..
044914 - Discussed goals to maintain pressure on the medical team to schedule
044915 - surgery for achalasia as soon as possible, i.e., next Friday, the
044916 - following week, etc.  Knowing the patient needs to swallow in order to
044917 - recover from heart surgery, keeps pressure from the CT team for the
044918 - general surgery to expedite the work.
044919 -
044920 -
044921 -
044922 -
044923 -
044924 -
044925 -
044926 -
044927 -
0450 -