440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 9, 2009 03:00 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Millie Blood test at Kaiser check response to treatment and flush port.

2...Lab Blood Test CBC to Evaluate Neupogen and Cancer Treatment Plan
3...Laboratory Blood Test Results Posted Kaiser's Computer

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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 52 0000. ref SDS 47 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040505 -
040507 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 -    1.  On 090108 Millie's blood counts were very low at UCSF.
040902 -        ref SDS 48 YN8O  Millie had a follow up blood draw at Kaiser on
040903 -        090116, showing further decline in blood counts. ref SDS 52
040904 -        075H  A week later on 090122, Doctor Rugo stopped treatment
040905 -        with sunitinib clinical study, ref SDS 57 AT6N; she scheduled
040906 -        Millie for meeting at UCSF a week later to begin new treatment
040907 -        for recovering from a 6th relapse of IBC.
040909 -         ..
040910 -    2.  On 090129 Millie had a blood draw at UCSF to guide examination
040911 -        by the medical team in the Breast Care Clinic. ref SDS 58 075H
040913 -         ..
040914 -        Millie did not start a new treatment on 090129 due a
040915 -        communication glitch, reported in the letter to the medical
040916 -        team on 090130. ref SDS 59 AY8Q
040918 -         ..
040919 -    3.  On 090210 Doctor Rugo's office scheduled Millie to meet with
040920 -        the doctor at UCSF on 090312 to evaluate response to treatment
040921 -        which was delayed from 090129 to 090219. ref SDS 60 XU5N
040923 -         ..
040924 -    4.  On 090213 Doctor Johnson ordered a blood draw for 090310
040925 -        (today) testing INR, and other diagnostics, including CA 15-3,
040926 -        and to flush Milli'e port according to Kaiser requirements.
040927 -        ref SDS 61 6P3F
040928 -
040930 -  ..
040931 - Lab Blood Test CBC to Evaluate Neupogen and Cancer Treatment Plan
040932 -
040933 - Follow up ref SDS 52 6Z4F, ref SDS 47 6Z4F.
040934 -
040935 - This afternoon Millie went to the Infusion Clinic at Kaiser in Walnut
040936 - Creek, CA, for the blood draw ordered by the doctor on 090213.
040937 - ref SDS 61 WY5M
040939 -  ..
040940 - Carrie is Millie's nurse today.
040941 -
040943 -  ..
040944 - Laboratory Blood Test Results Posted Kaiser's Computer
040945 -
040946 - Follow up ref SDS 52 S65I, ref SDS 47 S65I.
040947 -
040948 - Previous lab at UCSF on 090129, ref SDS 58 075H, and 2 weeks earlier
040949 - at Kaiser on 090116. ref SDS 52 S65I
040950 -
040951 -         [On 090310 0351 Millie's letter to medical team requests
040952 -         report on blood test today for submission to UCSF guiding
040953 -         meeting on 090312 to review progress recview recovering from
040954 -         IBC. ref SDS 62 O63Q
040955 -
040957 -     ..
040958 -    Patient   Provider  Category   View      FR Date   To Date
040972 -     ..
040973 -    72/F Lab Results Summary
040975 -     ..
040976 -    Log#: 510906803174       090309 15:15
040977 -    <------------------- KAISER -----------------------><-----------------  UCSF --------------------->
040978 -    Type                 Results   Units        Normal        Type                  Units         Normal       ACRO
040979 -     ..
040980 -    CBC with DIFF & PLT CT                                                                                    CBCD
040981 -     ..
040982 -    WBC                     4.0    K/uL     3.4  -  10.0      WBC x10-3             x10E9/L     3.4  -  10      WBC
040983 -    RBC            L        3.29   M/uL    3.60  -  5.70      RBC x10-6             x10E12/L      4  -  5.2     RBC
040984 -    Hemoglobin     L       10.3    g/dL    11.5  -  15.0      Hemoglobin            g/dL         12  -  15.5    HGB
040985 -    Hematocrit     L       31.8    %       34.0  -  46.0      Hematocrit            PERCENT      36  -  46      HCT
040986 -    MCV                    97      fL      80.0  -  100.0     MCV                   fL           80  -  100     MCV
040987 -    RDW, RBC       H       14.0    %       11.9  -  14.3      [Not Reported at UCSF]
040988 -    MCH                [Not Reported]                         MCH                   pg           26  -  34      MCH
040989 -    MCHC               [Not Reported]                         MCHC                  g/dL         31  -  36      MCHC
040990 -    Lymphocytes            18      %         13  -  46        LYMPHS                x10E9/L     0.9  -  2.9     L-A
040991 -    Monocyte         H     17      %          4  -  12        MONOS                 x10E9/L     0.2  -  0.8     M-A
040992 -     ..
040993 -    Eosinophils      H      7      %          0  -  4         EOS                   x10E9/L     0.0  -  0.4     E-A
040995 -  ..
040996 - On 090118 Millie letter to medical team asks about eosinophils 700%
040997 - high. ref SDS 54 PZ4Q
040999 -  ..
041000 - Lab report continues...
041001 -
041002 -    Basophil                4      %          0  -  1         BASOS                 x10E9/L     0.0  -  0.1     B-A
041004 -  ..
041005 - What are implications for basophil 400% high?
041007 -  ..
041008 - Lab report continues...
041009 -
041010 -    Atypical Lymph          1      %
041011 -    RBC Morphology     NORMAL
041013 -     ..
041014 -    Platelets             245      K/uL     140  -  400       Plt x10-3             x10E9/L     140  -  450     PLT
041016 -  ..
041017 - Shows good recovery compared to concerns in Millie's letter on 081218.
041018 - ref SDS 43 TY8O
041020 -  ..
041021 - CBC blood test continues...
041022 -
041023 -    Log#: 510906803174       090309 15:15
041024 -    <------------------- KAISER -----------------------><-----------------  UCSF --------------------->
041025 -    Type                 Results   Units        Normal        Type                  Units         Normal       ACRO
041026 -       (posted 090323, ref SDS 68 Y077 for test on 090317, ref SDS 67 PQ6R,
041027 -    CA 15-3      H*       251      U/mL             <  39     CA 15-3               U/mL              <  33     CA153
041029 -  ..
041030 - During the blood draw, Carrie forgot to include CA 15-3.  Millie
041031 - reminded that on 090213 the doctor ordered this test. ref SDS 61 6P3F
041033 -  ..
041034 - Carrie filled another study tube for CA 15-3 and attached a label.
041035 -
041036 -          [On 090312 0830 meeting at UCSF cancer marker CA 15-3 not
041037 -          included in Kaiser's report for the lab on 090309,
041038 -          ref SDS 64 8V5M,
041039 -
041040 -          [On 090312 1437 called Kaiser and the Charge Nurse said that
041041 -          CA 15-3 was not ordered for the lab on 090309, and
041042 -          recommended that Millie contact her doctor. ref SDS 65 6Z4F
041044 -           ..
041045 -          [On 090313 0943 called Kaiser; Arlette will check with
041046 -          primary care physician on getting CA 15-3 results for the
041047 -          blood test on 090309. ref SDS 66 3R7J
041049 -           ..
041050 -          [On 090317 1120 called Kaiser and talked to Arlette; hectic
041051 -          schedule on 090313 prevented following up on plans to discuss
041052 -          CA 15-3 results for blood test on 090309. ref SDS 67 Y077
041054 -           ..
041055 -          [On 090317 1120 Arlette ordered make up blood draw to test CA
041056 -          15-3. ref SDS 67 YP6S
041058 -           ..
041059 -          [On 090317 1120 Millie went to Kaiser on the way home from
041060 -          treatment at UCSF and got another blood draw to test CA 15-3.
041061 -          ref SDS 67 PQ6R
041063 -           ..
041064 -          [On 090323 results of blood draw on 090317 shows CA 15-3 251.
041065 -          ref SDS 68 Y077
041067 -  ..
041068 - CBC blood test continues...
041069 -
041070 -    Log#: 510906803174       090309 15:15
041071 -    <------------------- KAISER -----------------------><-----------------  UCSF --------------------->
041072 -    Type                 Results   Units        Normal        Type                  Units         Normal       ACRO
041073 -    (calculated with formula on 081205. ref SDS 23 JG6F)
041074 -    ANC                  2120                    -> 1500      NEUTS                 x10E9/L     1.8  -  6.8     N-A
041075 -    Seg...
041076 -    Neutrophils            51      %         41  -  81        Neutrophils
041077 -    Bands                   2      %          0  -  5
041078 -
041079 -              ANC = WBC x 1000 x (Neutrophils + Bands)
041081 -                     ..
041082 -                    4.0 x 1000 x (.51 + 2) = 2120
041084 -  ..
041085 - CBC blood test continues...
041086 -
041087 -    Log#: 510906803174       090309 15:15
041088 -    <------------------- KAISER -----------------------><-----------------  UCSF --------------------->
041089 -    Type                 Results   Units        Normal        Type                  Units         Normal       ACRO
041090 -    PT, Patient   H        21.6    sec      8.2  -  10.6      PT                    s          12.0  -  14.1    PT
041091 -    PT INR        H         2.2                               INL NRM Ratio                     0.9  -  1.1     INR
041092 -
041094 -     ..
041095 -    Log#: 510906803174       090309 15:15
041096 -    <------------------- KAISER -----------------------><-----------------  UCSF --------------------->
041097 -    Type                 Results   Units        Normal        Type                  Units         Normal       ACRO
041098 -    Total Protein      [No Report] g/dL     6.0  -  7,7       PROTEIN, TOTAL        g/dL        5.8  -  8.0     TP
041099 -    ALBUMIN            [No Report] g/dL     3.3  -  4.7       ALBUMIN               g/dL        3.4  -  4.7     ALB
041100 -    Calcium            [No Report] mg/dL    8.5  -  10.3      CALCIUM               mg/dL       8.7  -  10.1    CA
041101 -     ..
041102 -    Magnesium          [No Report] mg/dL    1.7  -  2.3       MAGNESIUM             mg/dL       1.8  -  2.3     MG
041103 -    Glucose Random     [No Report] mg/dL     60  -  159       GLUCOSE               mg/dL        70  -  199     GLU
041104 -    ALT (SGPT)             28      U/L           -< 36        ALT                   U/L          11  -  54      ALT
041106 -     ..
041107 -    Log#: 510906803174       090309 15:15
041108 -    <------------------- KAISER -----------------------><-----------------  UCSF --------------------->
041109 -    Type                 Results   Units        Normal        Type                  Units         Normal       ACRO
041110 -    Bili Tot Adult          0.2    mg/dL    0.2  -   1.3      CALCIUM               mg/dL       8.7  -  10.1    CA
041111 -    Creat with GFR
041112 -    Creatinine              0.73   mg/dL         -< 1.11      CREATININE            mg/dL      0.42  -  1.06    CR
041114 -       ..
041115 -      Note: Creatinine assay changed to IDMS standardization on
041116 -      February 4, 2008 causing decrease in results of approximately
041117 -      0.09 mg/dL
041119 -     ..
041120 -    GFR Non-Afr Am        >60      mL/min  > 60  -            eGFR if Caucasian     >60      mL/min                      GFRC
041121 -    GFR African AM        >60      mL/min  > 60               eGFR if African Amer  >60      mL/min                      GFRA
041122 -    GFR Note               **
041123 -
041124 -
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0412 -