440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 7, 2008 12:30 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Millie Power Port access Infusion Clinic for CT test at 1300.


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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up
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040505 -  ..
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0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Anne Bone did the work to access Millie's Power Port.  She used a
040902 - Lifeguard Safety Set, same as used at UCSF on 080911 for Millie's
040903 - prior CT test in Oakland, ref SDS 2 O65N, citing the specification
040904 - received from UCSF in the record on 080724. ref SDS 1 N79U
040906 -         ..
040907 -        [On 081118 Bard Power Point presentation on using Power Port
040908 -        says in part POWER INJECTION must use PowerLoc needle in Power
040909 -        Port. ref SDS 8 V66V
040911 -  ..
040912 - Bella showed the inventory of Huber needles on hand in the Infusion
040913 - Clinic.  She indicated that Paula had briefed the team on
040914 - requirements, implementing planning in Millie's letter to Kaiser
040915 - yesterday on 081106. ref SDS 4 XZ5F
040917 -  ..
040918 - Today, everything went smoothly accessing the Power Port.
040920 -  ..
040921 - Anne called UCSF to get results of the blood test at UCSF earlier
040922 - today.
040924 -  ..
040925 - UCSF reported NEUTS for the test today 1.67, which is ANC 1670.  This
040926 - is only .02 above the 1.65 for the test on 081023.  Since 1.67 is
040927 - barely above 1.50, the safe level for chemotherapy treatment, and
040928 - further since normally NEUTS rise much more than just .02 over 2 weeks
040929 - without chemotherapy, shown by patient history in the study at UCSF
040930 - this morning, ref SDS 5 V19M, decided to get Neupogen today and
040931 - tomorrow, in order to ensure starting treatment next week, even though
040932 - nominally blood counts may affect sunitinib treatment.
040934 -  ..
040935 - If sunitinib is like cetuximab with no impact on NEUTS, then Millie
040936 - may not need Neupogen, because the chemotherapy supplement does not
040937 - start for another few weeks.
040939 -  ..
040940 - Taking time to contact UCSF for blood counts, there was not enough
040941 - time for the Neupogen treatment, because of delays getting the
040942 - treatment from the pharmacy, due to documentation questions.  Decided
040943 - to do the Nupogen after the CT test, when Millie comes back to the
040944 - Infusion Clinic for Anne to remove the Huber needle.
040945 -
040946 -
040948 -  ..
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0412 - 1343
0413 -
041301 - Millie returned to the Infusion Clinic.
041302 -
041303 - Anne removed the Huber needle and maintained the port with Heparin
041304 - according to protocol, similar to Ann in the Infusion Clinic at Kaiser
041305 - in Oakland for Millie's last CT test on 080911. ref SDS 3 SH5O
041307 -  ..
041308 - Millie received 2 Neupogen shots, reported in another record.
041309 - ref SDS 7 UZ7K
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041311 -
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