440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 21, 2008 07:23 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Millie asked primary care physician to correct referral on neck biopsy.
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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0000, ref SDS 2 0000.
040502 -
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040506 - ..
0406 -
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0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - On 081016 Doctor Rugo developed a work plan to change Millie's
040902 - treatment in the event of progression of disease. The doctor ordered
040903 - FNA biopsy of left neck supraclavicular node for cancer to evaluate
040904 - progression of cancer, and to perform a status check to evaluate
040905 - possibility of expanding treatments for Millie. ref SDS 1 J36R
040907 - ..
040908 - Earlier today, Millie received a letter from the primary care
040909 - physician at Kaiser setting a meeting in the surgery department on
040910 - Thursday 081023 1050 to triage the biopsy procedure, and saying the
040911 - actual biopsy would be done later. ref SDS 3 KS8K
040913 - ..
040914 - Calls to Kaiser determined that the referral to the Surgery Department
040915 - did not specify FNA biopsy of node in the left supraclavicular and
040916 - perform a status check. ref SDS 3 PQ7T The Surgery Department
040917 - transferred the referral to the Head and Neck Department, ref SDS 3
040918 - 03GE, and suggested following up tomorrow on scheduling and to verify
040919 - scope of work. ref SDS 3 5T31
040921 - ..
040922 - Millie sent a follow up letter to the primary care physician for
040923 - assistance implementing the FNA biopsy and status check with Head and
040924 - Neck Department.
040925 -
040926 - 1. Subject: Work Plan Biopsy FNA Status Change Prepare Sunitinib Clinical Study
040927 - Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 19:39:18 -0700
040935 - ..
040936 - 3. Thanks for scheduling a biopsy of the lump on my neck,
040937 - implementing the work plan requested by Doctor Rugo at UCSF.
040938 - ...reported 081021, ref SDS 3 YR6O
040940 - ..
040941 - 4. Biopsy was scheduled in the Surgery Department on Thursday
040942 - 081023 at 1050. ref SDS 3 0X9T
040944 - ..
040945 - 5. Since I get back to Concord after treatment on Thursday about
040946 - 0130p, this is too late for the 1050 time slot. I called and
040947 - talked to Anne, Advice Nurse in the Surgery Department, to
040948 - change the time. ref SDS 3 4Q4C
040950 - ..
040951 - 6. She talked to Doctor Riley-Paull, who evidently sent the order
040952 - to Head and Neck, ref SDS 3 03GE, because the Surgery people do
040953 - not perform FNA, requested in the order issued by UCSF on
040954 - 081016. ref SDS 1 J36R
040956 - ..
040957 - 7. Anne hand carried the referral to Jane, the Advice Nurse in
040958 - Head and Neck Department. ref SDS 3 WY6L
040960 - ..
040961 - 8. Anne suggested following up with Head and Neck tomorrow to try
040962 - and get the biopsy tomorrow or Thursday afternoon, Friday at
040963 - the latest. If not, it may have to wait until I get back from
040964 - vacation, after 081106.
040965 -
040966 - [On 081022 Millie visits Kaiser Head and Neck Department;
040967 - Advise Nurse reported that Kaiser can perform the FNA biopsy
040968 - on the neck in the afternoon at 1400; Millie submitted the
040969 - UCSF order for the FNA biopsy and request to check for
040970 - status change. ref SDS 4 HD85
040972 - ..
040973 - [On 081022 FNA biopsy performed at Kaiser; pathology report
040974 - expected within a few days to a week, ref SDS 4 NZ5N; if
040975 - pathology negative for cancer, Kaiser proposes retest with
040976 - core biopsy, a more rigorous procedure. ref SDS 4 HH99
040978 - ..
040979 - 9. By copy to the UCSF medical team I am letting Doctor Rugo know
040980 - of this schedule change.
040982 - ..
040983 - 10. Anne said Head and Neck does a triage for scope of referral.
040984 - ref SDS 3 5T31
040986 - ..
040987 - 11. She suggested adding to the referral "FNA left supraclavicular
040988 - node and status check."
040990 - ..
040991 - 12. Please let me know if you need the order sheet Brigid prepared.
040992 - I can bring it to your office tomorrow, if necessary.
040993 -
040994 - [On 081022 Millie visits Kaiser Head and Neck Department;
040995 - Advise Nurse reported that Kaiser can perform the FNA biopsy
040996 - on the neck in the afternoon at 1400; Millie submitted the
040997 - UCSF order for the FNA biopsy and request to check for
040998 - status change. ref SDS 4 HD85
041000 - ..
041001 - [On 081022 FNA biopsy performed at Kaiser; pathology report
041002 - expected within a few days to a week, ref SDS 4 NZ5N; if
041003 - pathology negative for cancer, Kaiser proposes retest with
041004 - core biopsy, a more rigorous procedure. ref SDS 4 HH99
041006 - ..
041007 - 13. Thanks for getting the ball rolling.
041009 - ..
041010 - 14. See you Friday.
041011 -
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