440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 11, 2008 07:32 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Millie letter to encourage cancer patient encountering stress on the job.
2...Looking Great Prevents People from Knowing Debilitation of Cancer
3...Patient Requests UCSF Support Educate Employer Save Time Money
4...Never Return to Work Cancer Treatments Debilitating
5...Cancer Patients Treatments Debilitating Cannot Return to Work
6...Millie Inspiration for Patients to Persevere with Difficult Treatment
7...Millie Looks Great and Feels Well Rising Energy
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Patient Stress Anxiety Cancer Emotional Roller Coaster Employee Look
1703 -
1703 - ..
1704 - Summary/Objective
1705 -
170501 - Follow up ref SDS 8 0000.
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170507 - ..
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1708 - Progress
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170901 - Looking Great Prevents People from Knowing Debilitation of Cancer
170902 -
170903 - On 080225 Millie received a letter from Laura discussing emotional
170904 - roller coaster cancer patients experience. ref SDS 8 M36R On 080228
170905 - Millie saw Laura in the Infusion Clinic, and seems again positive and
170906 - forward looking concentrating on a business trip. ref SDS 9 546N
170908 - ..
170909 - Millie subitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Laura...
170910 -
170911 - 1. Just a note to find out how you are doing. I miss your pretty
170912 - face at UCSF and am disappointed to learn because of the new
170913 - schedule at UCSF and the fact you have short appointments
170914 - forces you to be scheduled in the afternoon hours. In any
170915 - event, I hope things have improved at work to help you contend
170916 - with cancer. ref DIT 1 0001
170918 - ..
170919 - 2. Stress is something you shouldn't have to deal with under the
170920 - current circumstances. Supervisors, etc. although sympathetic
170921 - initially, cannot understand the stress the employee is going
170922 - through while in treatment. No one does. I always get, "you
170923 - look wonderful." Needless to say appearances are not always
170924 - telling. The mentality is if you look good, you're not sick.
170925 - What a misconception. ref DIT 1 MQ5O
170926 -
170927 - [...see below, Laura having same experience; people feel
170928 - because she "Looks Great," that she feels great, and can
170929 - pull a full load at work. ref SDS 0 IZ4H
170931 - ..
170932 - 3. Anyway, you are on my mind.
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1710 -
Write Book You Look Wonderful Cancer and Treatment Nobody Understang
3703 -
3704 - 1011
370501 - ..
370502 - Patient Requests UCSF Support Educate Employer Save Time Money
370503 -
370504 - Millie received ref DRT 1 0001 from Laura responding to Mil's letter
370505 - earlier today, per above. ref SDS 0 EK8K
370506 -
370507 - 1. You are SO right! I think we should write a book with the
370508 - title "But You LOOK so Wonderful?!?" [Laura responds to
370509 - Millie's letter earlier today, per above, ref SDS 0 6Y6S].
370510 - Until you go through it or something similar (open heart
370511 - surgery, stroke, etc) I do not think anyone can understand the
370512 - fatigue and challenge of doing "normal" things with only the
370513 - power of persistence. ref DRT 1 0001
370514 -
370516 - ..
370517 - Never Return to Work Cancer Treatments Debilitating
370518 - Cancer Patients Treatments Debilitating Cannot Return to Work
370519 -
370520 -
370521 - 2. I asked Dr Rugo's team to write a note asking for a change in
370522 - assignments, because of my continuing treatment vs the extreme
370523 - sales geography I have been assigned. Not that I expect to see
370524 - a new assignment happen any time soon, but at least we all
370525 - understand now that I am looking to be re-assigned. I set a
370526 - timeframe of 90-120 days, or to the end of the Federal Gvmt
370527 - Fiscal year. This helps my boss get through the heavy buying
370528 - season with a rep in place, and me through the best pay period
370529 - in the 12 month Fed Fiscal Year. At the end of that, if I
370530 - still cannot get into a new job, then I will ask to go back out
370531 - on medical leave - probably never to return. ref DRT 1 PB54
370532 -
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3706 -
Looks Great Well Healthy Beautiful Alert Fit Strong Inspiration Heal
5403 -
540401 - ..
540402 - Millie Inspiration for Patients to Persevere with Difficult Treatment
540403 -
540404 - Laura's letter to Millie today, opened, noting irony of "looking
540405 - great, but feeling lousy," per above. ref SDS 0 IZ4H
540406 -
540407 - Laura's letter to Millie continues...
540409 - ..
540410 - 3. I surely miss seeing you too, but think of you when I head to
540411 - the Infusion Room. Your courage and determination to survive
540412 - cancer treatments for "soooo" long inspires me and everyone in
540413 - the clinic -- patients and nurses. Even Doctor Rugo and Brigid
540414 - mention your case encouraging patients to continue cancer
540415 - treatments for quality of life. ref DRT 1 PB6N
540417 - ..
540418 - Laura mentioning Millie success living with stage IV cancer for 7
540419 - years, was cited a few days ago by Doctor Riley-Paull, discussing
540420 - surgery to implant a Power Port, reported on 080606 1600. ref SDS 10
540421 - 0T6I
540422 -
540423 - [On 080719 Sharee and Julie were surprised welcoming Millie
540424 - back to the Kaiser Infusion Clinic. ref SDS 11 SR3J
540426 - ..
540427 - [On 090213 1140 primary care physician surprised Millie has
540428 - survived 7 years with stage IV IBC, much longer than
540429 - expected, ref SDS 12 NY7L
540431 - ..
540432 - [On 090226 1542 Sally comments that Millie suriving cancer
540433 - treatments for so long is an inspiration. ref SDS 13 Z06G
540435 - ..
540436 - Laura's letter continues...
540437 -
540438 - 4. I am going to be working my way back into mornings if I can,
540439 - and it does seem since I am booking out into August, that I
540440 - have some mornings by mid-July. Next week, I am coming in on
540441 - Wed since I have a 6 month follow-up with Dr. Fowble (Rad
540442 - Onc) and then infusion. July 3rd, I do a blood draw at 9am,
540443 - then down to see a Nurse Practitioner at 9:30am or 10am, then
540444 - infusion at noon. I'll come chat with you if you're there that
540445 - day. ref DRT 1 NL7M
540446 -
540448 - ..
540449 - Millie Looks Great and Feels Well Rising Energy
540450 -
540451 -
540452 - 5. How are you doing ? I know... you LOOK great, but feel the
540453 - fatigue too. I can sing that song in 1 note ... ref DRT 1 XK7O
540455 - ..
540456 - Millie has been fortunate to experience rising energy under treatments
540457 - since 070201, and after adding chemotherapy on 080313.
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