440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 13, 2007 09:32 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Richard Popejoy called to schedule meeting with Ron Useldinger.


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0201 - Richard Popejoy, DDS                                                                                                                                               O-00000022 0101
020101 - Dr. Richard Popejoy                                                                                                                                              O-00000022 0101

Richard and Ron

0503 -
0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0000, ref SDS 2 0000.
050502 -
050503 -
050504 -
050505 -
050506 -
050508 -  ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - Richard is living in Campbell.  His younger son has moved in with him
050902 - while going through a divorce.
050904 -  ..
050905 - Richard otherwise seems to be living alone.  His divorce has been
050906 - finalized from Kathy.  Seems to be estranged from his daughter over
050907 - the divorce.  He has a good relationship with his oldest son, which
050908 - is good news, since on a prior call to his son about contacting
050909 - Richard, the boy was upset about something.
050911 -  ..
050912 - Richard has many medical problems.
050914 -  ..
050915 - He was recently treated for pneumonia for several weeks in the
050916 - hosptial.  He experienced recurrent heart problems a few years ago
050917 - that prevented attending the ceramony honoring Sam Lawson renaming
050918 - Collins elementary school to Sam Lawson Middle School.  At that time,
050919 - he required stint surgery to improve blood flow in his arteries.
050920 -
050921 -     [On 070420 Rob attended and spoke to honor Sam in the ceremony
050922 -     renaming Collins to Sam Lawson Middle School. ref SDS 4 6D54
050924 -  ..
050925 - Richard also has had diabetes for the past 15 years, and is now
050926 - suffering significant impairment.  He cannot walk more than a few
050927 - blocks.
050929 -  ..
050930 - As a result of medical infirmities, Richard cannot practice medicine,
050931 - because his hand shakes significanntly.  He gave up the business
050932 - about 6 years ago.  He can still drive, but does this rarely.
050934 -  ..
050935 - Richard does not have health insurance, and so has had to pay out of
050936 - pocket for medical expenses.  Last year this was about $120K.
050938 -  ..
050939 - Sounds like he has 2 women friends who visit him on weekends, so he is
050940 - no longer living with anyone, except his son has moved while
050941 - transitionion from divorce.
050943 -  ..
050944 - Richard sees Ron a few times a year.  Ron drove over to visit Richard
050945 - about 6 months ago.  He is still having memory problems, but somehow
050946 - passed a driver's license test.
050948 -  ..
050949 - Donna apparently moved in a take care of Ron for a few months a year
050950 - or so ago, but has since moved back to live with her son, Kurt.
050951 -
050952 -
050954 -  ..
0510 -
0511 -
0512 - 1020
0513 -
051301 - Called Ron.
051302 -
051303 - He has school three days a week.  Next Friday, 070420 1100 is a good
051304 - time to meet.
051306 -  ..
051307 - I will call him the day before on 070419 to confirm plans to meet the
051308 - next day on 070420.
051310 -  ..
051311 - I will call him again on 070420 to remind him Richard and I are
051312 - coming for a visit.
051313 -
051315 -  ..
0514 -
0515 -
0516 - 1028
0517 -
051701 - Called Richard.
051702 -
051703 - Explained plans to meet Ron on 070420, next Friday.  I will call
051704 - Richard the day before to confirm plans for meeting with Ron the next
051705 - day, Friday 070420 1100.
051707 -  ..
051708 - Will be at Richard's place about 1000.
051709 -
051710 -
051711 -
051712 -
0518 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"