440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 13, 2005 10:03 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Millie hiked 3 miles; side effects cancer treatments reduced.


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Hiked 3 Miles for First Time 6 Months Feeling Stronger More Energy S

0603 -
0603 -    ..
0604 - Summary/Objective
0605 -
060501 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0000, ref SDS 2 0000.
060502 -
060503 - For the past 2 weeks there has been a significant change in Millie's
060504 - daily strength.  Seems to follow a pattern beginning the day after
060505 - Taxotere treatments.  At that time, her energy is very low.  By the
060506 - end of a week later she is feeling better, and gradually grows
060507 - stronger until she is pretty normal for energy and alertness by the
060508 - middle of the 2nd week following treatment with Taxotere, i.e., about
060509 - 10 days later, while still taking Xeloda she is fully recovered, and
060510 - engaged in normal daily activity.
060512 -  ..
060513 - This record suggests that reducing Xeloda dosage by 25% ordered on
060514 - 050520 has been effective not only in reducing side effects, but of
060515 - restoring quality of life.
060517 -  ..
060518 - Today, we took a long hike of about 3 miles on flat terraine using
060519 - the trail in Clayton.  Millie maintained a vigorous pace; did not
060520 - stop to rest.  For the rest of the day, she experienced no fatigue.
060522 -  ..
060523 - Increased exercise may aid further recovery by strengthening immune
060524 - system to permit longer treatment with chemotheapy, reported on
060525 - 050609. ref SDS 3 F88M
060527 -  ..
060528 - This is her week off of Xeloda, so increased energy and alertness
060529 - occurred during the 2nd week of Xeloda, which is marked improvement
060530 - from prior cycles.
060532 -  ..
060533 - On Friday, Millie begins the fourth cycle of a four cycle treatment
060534 - regimine with Taxotere and Xeloda.  This may mean she can take a
060535 - break from treatments, although when this was forced on her last
060536 - November, she had a severe relapse.
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