440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 17, 2003 11:09 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Refined system to protect confidential information.

2...Line Number Field Flags and New Color for Confidentiality
3...000008 Macro 142 New Error Message Save Op Fix Confidentiality Marks
4...0702051 Confidential Verify Fields to Suppress Information
5...07020520 New Message SDS Records Confidentiality Flags Out of Sync
6...000000 Macro 0 Line Number Highlight Process Add Suppress Highlight
7...070405 Change Flags for Suppressing Lines for Published SDS Records

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1...This modifies work on_______________________


Redact Portions of SDS Records by Designating Sensitive Information w

0703 -
0703 -    ..
0704 - Summary/Objective
0705 -
070501 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0X6X.
070502 -
070503 - Implemented ideas Gary suggested today for improving support for
070504 - confidentiality. ref SDS 0 5E5K  Provided for a new flag in the line
070505 - number field for marking a block or a single line to delete from a
070506 - record published on the Internet to suppress confidential information.
070507 - ref SDS 0 4P6H
070508 -
070509 -
070510 -
070511 -
070512 -
070513 -
070514 -
070515 -
070517 -  ..
0706 -
0707 -
0708 - Planning
0709 -
070901 - Improve system of confidentiality developed on 000329, ref SDS 1 5040,
070902 - by making the system of marking lines in SDS records and in documents
070903 - more visible, and less confusing to apply.
070905 -  ..
070906 - Gary Johnson explained in a letter and in discussion during a call
070907 - today, reported in another record, ref SDS 3 0X6X, that current
070908 - problems are....
070909 -
070910 -    1.  Keeping track of entering double // symbols is difficult when
070911 -        time is short.
070913 -         ..
070914 -    2.  Remembering whether to enter // or \\ has a 50% chance of
070915 -        error.
070917 -         ..
070918 -    3.  System needs a symbol for deleting a single line.
070919 -
070921 -  ..
070922 - We can make the symbol visually distinct by changing from // to ;;
070924 -  ..
070925 - A double semicolon beginning in column 1 is easy to enter, and does
070926 - not create a question of whether to use a complementary symbol.
070928 -  ..
070929 - Adding a numerical symbol may further help with distinctive visual
070930 - understanding fo entering an effective suppress command.
070932 -  ..
070933 - Talked to Gary a few days later and decided to try using...
070934 -
070935 -             s0      suppress current line.
070936 -
070937 -             s1      suppress from current line to...
070939 -              ..
070940 -             s2      suppress to this line from the ;;1 line.
070942 -  ..
070943 - Rule will be if there is an s1 and not an s2, there is an error.
070945 -  ..
070946 - Tried this and it works, per below. ref SDS 0 BN3O
070947 -
070948 -
070950 -  ..
070951 - Line Number Field Flags and New Color for Confidentiality
070952 -
070953 - Decided to try another method using the line number field ----+
070954 -                                                               |
070955 -               +-----------------------------------------------+
070956 -               |
070957 -         070952 -
070958 -         070952s- This illustrates a block suppression of condition
070959 -         070953 - that occurs within the bounds of an "s" in the line
070960 -         070954s- number field where highlight flags are entered. Since
070961 -         070955 - suppression is the most common requirement, will
070962 -         070956 - make lower case s the block line suppression flag.
070963 -         070957 -
070964 -         070958S-      Capital S is a single line suppression.
070965 -         070959 -
070966 -         070960 - The code will work like the prior method of entering
070967 -         070961 - flags in sequence, but now the F2 function for save
070968 -         070962 - will provide a flag that alerts the user to
070969 -         070963 - synchronize the s flags.
070970 -         070964 -
070971 -
070973 -  ..
070974 - This method can cause confusion in the ordering/pairing of flags for
070975 - suppression; however, today a new feature was added to the F2 save
070976 - function that evaluates confidentiality flags, ref SDS 0 BN3O, and
070977 - alerts when they are not in sync. ref SDS 0 3Z6O Additionally, added a
070978 - color scheme of a solid green line with blue letters, ref SDS 0 SE6L,
070979 - to increase visibility of lines marked confidential, per Gary's
070980 - letter, reported in another record. ref SDS 3 0X8R
070981 -
070982 -
070983 -
070984 -
070985 -
070987 -  ..
0710 -
0711 -
0712 - Progress
0713 -
071301 - 000008  Macro 142 New Error Message Save Op Fix Confidentiality Marks
071302 -
071303 - Line 2660, ref OF 5 LG7G, -label Srkg in 0000008 about 130 lines
071304 - below
071305 -
071306 -    loc_cur 3 44
071307 -    strcnt 1 3
071308 -    ins_text/     /
071309 -    -if @1 > 117 @c:\sd\03\0702052
071310 -
071311 -        After returning from processing by 0702051, check for error
071312 -        message flags, and -if @1 = 118 call 0702052 to determine what
071313 -        errors occurred and notify user.
071315 -         ..
071316 -        Changed -if @1 > 118 @c:\sd\03\0702052 so that 118 is now 117
071317 -        because added new flag in 0702051 that sets the error message
071318 -        level to 118 when confidential flags are out of sync.
071319 -
071320 -
071321 -
071323 -  ..
071324 - 0702051  Confidential Verify Fields to Suppress Information
071325 -
071326 - Line 170, ref OF 1 TL7N, -label lpcbs in 0702051
071328 -  ..
071329 - Initially created code to support the format shown above, ref SDS 0
071330 - KH4G, then decided to develop an alternate scheme using the line
071331 - number field, as shown above. ref SDS 0 4P6H
071332 -
071333 -    z 5 8
071334 -    -label lpcbs
071335 -    l /s-/
071336 -    -if @0 > 0 -goto cnbs
071337 -    linecnt 1 0
071338 -    l /s-/
071339 -    -if @0 = 0 -goto lpcbs
071340 -    line @1
071341 -    setcnt 1 896
071342 -    -goto cfnsre
071343 -    -label cnbs
071344 -    setcnt 0 0
071345 -    top
071346 -
071347 -        This is a simple model that works to suppress both contacts
071348 -        and narrative.
071350 -         ..
071351 -        Only drawback is that a flag to suppress information cannot
071352 -        also be identified as another standard highlight condition.
071353 -
071354 -
071356 -  ..
071357 - 07020520  New Message SDS Records Confidentiality Flags Out of Sync
071358 -
071359 - Line 100, ref OF 2 Q55N, -label Er119 in 0702052
071360 -
071361 -    This code looks for a "*" in column 1 and colors line for
071362 -    reference.
071364 -  ..
071365 - Line 130, ref OF 2 1T4G, in 0702052
071366 -
071367 -    -if @1 = 118 errormsg Confidential "s" marks not in sync!
071368 -
071369 -        Added new message.
071370 -
071371 -
071372 -
071373 -
0714 -

Highlight Line Number Flag s and S to Suppress Portions of SDS Record

080301 -  ..
080302 - 000000  Macro 0 Line Number Highlight Process Add Suppress Highlight
080303 -
080304 - Line  220, ref OF 4 4D6J, -entry 304 in 000000 about 30 lines below
080305 -
080306 -    -if @3 = 115 color 33
080307 -    -if @3 = 83 color 33
080308 -
080309 -        Added line number highlight green background with blue letters
080310 -        to signify field marked to suppress publication on the web.
080311 -
080312 -
080313 -
080314 -
080316 -  ..
080317 - 070405  Change Flags for Suppressing Lines for Published SDS Records
080318 -
080319 - Follow up ref SDS 2 61BB.
080320 -
080321 - Based on new criteria above, revise code for deleting lines in SDS
080322 - records for publication to Internet.
080324 -  ..
080325 - Line 140, ref OF 3 354L, -label lpsldc in 070405
080326 -
080327 -    Changed / to an s for identifying contacts to suppress from
080328 -    publication on the Internet.
080329 -
080330 -    This modifies work on_______________________
080331 -
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0804 -