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1...Moving forward, will eventually revise this scheme so the
2...Sent an email to Morris asking if there is a way to dig out
Prior date, add diary, Shift F6
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Developed new feature to create a diary record for a prior date in the
040504 - Diary Summary, to supplement current system of calling a menu command.
040505 - Drawback is that a record created from the Diary Summary will not have
040506 - any history, and so everything has to be started from scratch.
040507 -
040508 -
040509 -
040510 -
040511 -
040512 -
040514 - ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Planning
0409 -
040901 - Create a Diary Record in Diary Summary
040902 -
040903 - Want to consider enabling the user to create a diary for a prior date
040904 - from the diary rather than from the Schedule, based on work reported
040905 - for 901111. ref SDS 1 0001
040907 - ..
040908 - This conflicts somewhat with the scheme to encourage work through the
040909 - schedule so that there is a planning component to doing the work.
040911 - ..
040912 - The advantage is saving time and ease of learning.
040914 - ..
040915 - Creating a diary for a prior date in the Schedule results in revising
040916 - the Schedule structure which presents a learning curve issue, there is
040917 - also increased chance of inadvertant error from performing several
040918 - steps....
040919 -
040920 - 1. Open menu.
040921 - 2. Select Diary menu.
040922 - 3. Select Diary for Prior Date.
040923 - 4. Screen appears indicating an error rather than a task.
040924 - 5. Read the screen to get instructions
040925 - 6. Press Enter to execute instructions
040926 - 7. Schedule appears and the format is changed inviting error.
040927 - 8. Manually type the date in standard format, inviting error.
040928 - 9. Press Tab inviting error - press wrong key, hold tab, etc.
040929 - 10. Manually type day of the week inviting error.
040930 - 11. Move cursor to the line for entering time and description.
040931 - 12. Press F7 to move the cursor to the time field
040932 - 13. Manually type the time of the task.
040933 - 14. Press Tab to move the cursor to the description field
040934 - 15. Type the description.
040935 - 16. Press Enter to open the new task and start to work.
040936 - 17. Shut down and start SDS to archive the new record.
040938 - ..
040939 - This last step takes a minute or so, and takes much longer on slower
040940 - machines. With the schedule in prior date mode, the use of the
040941 - Schedule is at least delicate, more susceptible to user getting lost
040942 - and causing format problems.
040944 - ..
040945 - May be able to compress some of this as follows...
040946 -
040947 - 1. Press F3 to open Diary summary.
040948 -
040949 - 2. Click to move cursor to a date where a prior date diary is
040950 - needed. (see also para 3c)
040952 - ..
040953 - 3. Move cursor to the time field and enter the time for the new
040954 - diary record. User has three (3) options....
040955 -
040956 - a. Press F6 to repeat the line, then enter the
040957 - specification.
040958 -
040959 - b. Don't bother with repeating the line, just type over the
040960 - existing specification.
040962 - ..
040963 - c. The code reads the time field and when the Enter or
040964 - double click occurs, that time is posted to the time
040965 - field beginning in column 171. After entering the time
040966 - beginning in column 2, the user can then press the End
040967 - key. This jumps the cursor to the end of the record
040968 - spec. Move the cursor to the date field and enter any
040969 - date desired for a prior record. It is not necessary to
040970 - enter the time again. Then press F7, just hold it down
040971 - while the screen scrolls right to restore offset 0, the
040972 - normal condition where you see the task description.
040973 - Press Enter and you can create a diary for a prior
040974 - record.
040976 - ..
040977 - Moving forward, will eventually revise this scheme so the
040978 - system gets the recor spec from the date in the header
040979 - and gets the user ID from the system, then the User will
040980 - be able to specify a date without scrolling the screen.
040981 - As things stand, we again out of compiler space, so it
040982 - will take a day to fix that, then this new scheme can be
040983 - implementd. For now, this is a smoother system.
040984 - Actually, may be able to bypass compiled code for Enter
040985 - and do all with a macro file.
040987 - ..
040988 - 4. Type the description over the existing description.
040990 - ..
040991 - 5. Press Enter and start work.
040992 -
040994 - ..
040995 - Advantages....
040996 -
040997 - 1. May be more intuitive to create a diary record in the Diary
040998 - Summary, rather than in the Schedule.
040999 -
041000 - 2. Fewer steps save time and reduce errors.
041002 - ..
041003 - 3. Schedule screen is not changed, thereby reducing the chance
041004 - of errors due to loss of orientation.
041006 - ..
041007 - 4. Schedule does not need to be archived saving several
041008 - minutes.
041009 -
041011 - ..
041012 - Disadvantages
041013 -
041014 - 1. Records created from the Diary Summary will have no history
041015 - nor other references, so everything has to be developed as
041016 - needed.
041018 - ..
041019 - This is mitigated with SDS tools that make linking fast and
041020 - easy, so that when another record is linked, then references
041021 - in it can be linked quickly and easily, essentially as a
041022 - matter of volition.
041024 - ..
041025 - The existing system can be used when this feature is
041026 - important.
041027 -
041029 - ..
041030 - Currently, a diary for a prior date is launched from the Schedule with
041031 - the code in 05110, ref OF 3 LV7M, after performing the steps listed
041032 - above. ref SDS 0 SM9P
041034 - ..
041035 - When Enter is pressed in a Diary and there is no record, the code
041036 - calls an error message. This message can be eliminated and instead
041037 - provide an option for opening a diary record for a prior date.
041039 - ..
041040 - If we open a blank record, then the code for deleting a record could
041041 - be used to delete the pointers as well, if the user chooses to do
041042 - that.
041044 - ..
041045 - This might be a stronger solution than is currently available from
041046 - using the menu in the Diary summary.
041048 - ..
041049 - The code that executes Enter is...
041050 -
041051 - macro 97
041052 -
041053 - 000006. ref OF 4 2936
041055 - ..
041056 - Trying debug at line 1070, ref OF 4 JR9M,
041057 -
041059 - ..
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - Progress
0414 -
041401 - 000006 Macro 97 Enter Modify Diary Summary to Open Specified Record
041402 -
041403 - Developed following code to enable the user to press F6 to simply
041404 - enter a time and a new description, and
041405 -
041406 - Line 1110, ref OF 4 1T6M, -label othr
041407 -
041408 - -if @47 != 51 -goto ndsdct in 000006
041409 - loc_cur 0 2
041410 - strcnt 1 4
041411 - -label ndsdct
041412 -
041413 - Try adding code to read the time field, with idea that the
041414 - user will use F6 to repeat tha line for a date, and then enter
041415 - the time that is desired, along with a description.
041416 -
041418 - ..
041419 - Line 1160, ref OF 4 F77H, -label ndsdct in 0000006 about 50 lines
041420 - below.
041421 -
041422 - -if @47 != 51 -goto ndsmop
041423 - loc_cur 0 8
041424 - -if @1 < 1000 ic 48
041425 - -if @1 < 100 ic 48
041426 - -if @1 < 10 ic 48
041427 - inscnt 1 0
041428 - -label ndsmop
041429 -
041430 - Enter the time from column 2 created by the User.
041431 -
041433 - ..
041434 - Line 1270, ref OF 4 RL8O, -label purGJ in 000006 about 50 lines below
041435 -
041436 - macro 99
041437 -
041438 - No change in the code, but this calls macro 99 to open the
041439 - record.
041440 -
041442 - ..
041443 - Line 1020, ref OF 4 GR3I, -label n_FlE in 000006
041444 -
041445 - -label n_FlE
041446 - @c:\sd\03\0509 #30
041447 - purge c:\sd\03\0509
041448 - errormsg Hit "Enter" key NOW!
041449 -
041450 - The current code in macro 99 calls macro file 0509 when a blank
041451 - record is opened, and returns an error message.
041453 - ..
041454 - Want to revise this to now call instead new macro file 05091.
041455 -
041457 - ..
041458 - Line 50, ref OF 2 S65K, in 05091
041459 -
041460 - g h:\sd\05\02\0203051
041461 - top
041462 - immed d
041463 - immed a
041464 -
041465 - The code in macro 99 has opened a file and determined it is
041466 - blank, per above. ref SDS 0 FS4L Read in the template for a
041467 - new SDS record. Delete the top line, and then add a new line
041468 - to maintain the structure and provide a blank line to enter the
041469 - date and other record diagnostics.
041471 - ..
041472 - macro 91
041473 - macro 71
041474 - -if @3 > 50 -if @3 <= 99 ins_text "19"
041475 - -if @3 < 51 ins_text "20"
041476 - rel_cur 0 2
041477 - -if @3 < 10 ic 48
041478 - inscnt 3 0
041479 -
041480 - First task is to build the date, so read the globals taken by
041481 - macro 99 to open the record from the Diary Summary, per above.
041482 - ref SDS 0 EV4L Macro 71 in 000004 enters the standard month
041483 - and day format for the date. We have to build a four year date
041484 - by entering 19 or 20. Then use counter 3 to enter the last two
041485 - numerals. It is rigged to work correctly until 2050, which
041486 - hopefully is enough time to re-write SDS.
041487 -
041489 - ..
041490 - Line 70, ref OF 2 578J, in 05091
041491 -
041492 - rel_cur 0 10
041493 - -if @6 < 12 ic 65
041494 - -if @6 > 11 ic 80
041495 - ic 77
041496 - -if @6 > 12 subcnt 6 12
041497 -
041498 - Move the cursor to the AM/PM field, and enter an A or a P for
041499 - After midnight and after noon.
041501 - ..
041502 - rel_cur 0 -11
041503 - -if @6 < 10 ic 48
041504 - inscnt 6 0
041505 - ic 58
041506 - -if @7 < 10 ic 48
041507 - inscnt 7 0
041508 - ic 58
041509 - -if @8 < 10 ic 48
041510 - inscnt 8 0
041511 -
041512 - Move the cursor back to the end of the date, and enter the time
041513 - for hour, minute and seconds that identifies and SDS record for
041514 - an individual.
041515 -
041517 - ..
041518 - Line 80, ref OF 2 N44F, in 05091
041519 -
041520 - loc_cur 0 36
041521 - ins_text /DIARY /
041522 - markcur 11
041523 -
041524 - Move the cursor to the record type field and enter diary. Mark
041525 - this new file for easy return during configuration.
041526 -
041527 -
041529 - ..
041530 - Line 120, ref OF 2 F66O, in 05091
041531 -
041532 - e diary
041533 - loc_cur 0 8
041534 - macro 20
041535 - immed /
041536 - loc_cur 3 0
041537 - z 8 30
041538 - errorcnt 0 0
041539 - l- /Schedule and Diary Sum/
041540 - macro 97
041541 -
041542 - Return to the diary file. Move cursor to column 8 where the
041543 - description will be read, and save this condition to restore
041544 - after opening the Schedule and Diary Summary. Place the cursor
041545 - line at the current location, screen line 3, move the cursor to
041546 - that line and do a reverse search for Schedule and Diary Sum to
041547 - place it one the current line, so we open it. Call macro 97 to
041548 - open the Schedule and Diary Summary to get the day of the week
041549 - and the user's name, under following rationale....
041551 - ..
041552 - We need to get the day of the week and the user's name. This
041553 - is conveniently located in other records for the same date. To
041554 - reduce impact on memory, use the Schedule and Diary Summary
041555 - record, because it is always a small record and is generally at
041556 - the top of the list. Sometimes this is not the case. For
041557 - example, if a new task is created for date on which no prior
041558 - records have been created. Another situation might arise where
041559 - the Schedule and Diary Summary is out of order, which occurs
041560 - when a diary for a pior date is created under the present
041561 - system. In that case, unless the user manually adjusts the
041562 - date for this task in the Schedule and opens the SAA record
041563 - after creating a diary for a prior date, then the Schedule and
041564 - Diary Summary record will not be at the top of thet list of
041565 - diary records for a particular date. Decided to make a command
041566 - decision and use the 1st Schedule and Diary Summary located
041567 - above the line where the user enters the spec for a prior date
041568 - record. At most this will post the wrong day of the week by a
041569 - day or two, and will always get the correct user's name. The
041570 - day of the week is only informational, and is not used for any
041571 - processing, so at most this will be a slight error, and can be
041572 - corrected manually, if it turns out to be an issue.
041574 - ..
041575 - Of course, where a user specifies a different date for a prior
041576 - date record using the procedure in para 3c, above, ref SDS 0
041577 - HV4K, then there is only a 1 chance in 7 that the day of the
041578 - week will be correct.
041579 -
041580 - Sent an email to Morris asking if there is a way to dig out
041581 - the day of the week based on knowing the date. We have the
041582 - datecnt command that returns a day of the week for the
041583 - current date, but we need to know the day of the week for a
041584 - particular date.
041585 -
041586 -
041588 - ..
041589 - Line 130, ref OF 2 HM4G, in 05091
041590 -
041591 - markcur 13
041592 - tl 0
041593 - top
041594 - loc_cur 3 51
041595 - setcnt 86 1
041596 - macro 1182
041597 -
041598 - Mark this file so we can come back to get the filename spec to
041599 - purge the file. Turn titles off, probably isn't really needed.
041600 - top command sets up to get diagnostics from the top line. Move
041601 - the cursor to the day of the week field, and read the day.
041602 -
041604 - ..
041605 - Line 140, ref OF 2 GO6F, in 05091
041606 -
041607 - aw
041608 - setcur 111 0
041609 - subcnt 111 6
041610 - setgbl 111 @111
041611 - of 10
041612 - setcnt 86 180
041613 - macro 1182
041614 -
041615 - Jump cursor to the user's name. of 10 command provides some
041616 - spave for macro 1182 to read the end of the user's name, which
041617 - is near the edge of the screen. Capture in counter 111 column
041618 - where user's name begins in Schedule and Diary Summary and
041619 - reduce this by 6 to account for fact that Schedule and Diary
041620 - Summary is offset 7 and setcur command is one less than screen
041621 - value, and SDS records are not offset. Move column location of
041622 - user's name to global for transfer to the new record. Read
041623 - user's name beginning with counter 180 to avoid overwriting day
041624 - of the week, captured in the prior step.
041625 -
041626 -
041627 -
041628 -
041629 -
041630 -
041631 -
041632 -
041633 -
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041638 -
041639 -
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041647 -
041648 -
041649 -
041650 -
041651 -
041652 -
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041658 -
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041660 -
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041664 -
041665 -
041666 -
0417 -
Shift F6 Switch Words to Front of Description Field
050301 - ..
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