440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 30, 2002 10:01 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Morris about dos and dose commands failing in macro 0127.
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation
DOSE Commands Failing to Execute DOS Commands
DOSE Failing to Execute Commands from Within Medit
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 26 0000, ref SDS 25 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Morris helped go through some exercises to test the code that is
050604 - failing, reported on 021225, ref SDS 26 TFAA. We booted the computer
050605 - and then called cmd.exe clean.
050606 -
050607 - ..
050608 - The code works correctly if we issue no params, simply enter....
050609 -
050610 -
050611 - CMD>dos
050612 -
050613 - ..
050614 - ...or...
050615 -
050616 -
050617 - CMD>dose
050618 -
050619 - ..
050620 - the Medit command line. But it fails to execute the
050621 - following...
050622 -
050623 -
050624 - CMD>dose dir c:\sd\wl\sd\08\ > jyz
050625 -
050626 -
050627 - ..
050628 - ...which is in the macro file at...
050629 -
050630 - line 30, ref OF 2 HE5G, top of 0127
050631 -
050632 -
050633 - shown in the record on 021225. ref SDS 26 TFAA
050634 -
050635 - ..
050636 - Curiously, other dose commands run correctly, e.g., on 021215 calling
050637 - batch file tst4.bat. ref SDS 26 3L6I
050638 -
050639 - ..
050640 - Morris noticed that for some reason this use of dose is losing the
050641 - environment, since there is no path.
050642 -
050643 - ..
050644 - There may be more to it because, while the system needs to know the
050645 - path to execute commands like "mem", it does not need the path to
050646 - execute "dir" and this command is not executing.
050647 -
050648 - ..
050649 - Morris asked to send him the file, and he will investigate to try and
050650 - figure it out.
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050652 -
050653 - ..
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0509 - 1100
0510 -
051001 - Sent an email with a link to this record, and attached the file...
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051003 -
051004 - c: 01 04 01270
051005 -
051006 -
051007 - is the development file that has the code with explanations.
051008 -
051009 - ..
051010 - I am in Concord today at 925 680 8947.
051011 -
051012 -
051013 - ..
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0512 -
0513 - 2207
0514 -
051401 - Called Morris back.
051402 -
051403 - He cannot emulate the problem running W98.
051404 -
051405 - ..
051406 - Morris has w2k on his notebook, but preferred using netmeeting to
051407 - study the problem on my machine.
051408 -
051409 - We spent about 4 hours.
051410 -
051411 - Part of the time was to get oriented using the debug program.
051412 -
051413 - After 2 or 3 hours, the debug program was working.
051414 -
051415 - ..
051416 - Morris found some documentation on DOS that indicated to him that some
051417 - of his code might not be quite right. He made a few changes, but this
051418 - did not clear the problem.
051419 -
051420 - ..
051421 - After he became pursuaded that the problem is with Microsoft DOS and
051422 - not with Medit, Morris indicated there is nothing further than can be
051423 - done, so we ended the Netmeeting session.
051424 -
051425 -
051426 -
051427 - ..
0515 -
0516 -
0517 - 0223
0518 -
051801 - We have a troubling situation.
051802 -
051803 - ..
051804 - In particular, the following command string fails running under
051805 - W2K....
051806 -
051807 - dose dir c:\sd\wl\sd\08\ > jyz
051808 -
051809 - the code for macro file 0127. ref OF 2 HE5G
051810 -
051811 - ..
051812 - Yet, almost the same code...
051813 -
051814 -
051815 - Dose/c dir d:\sd\08\UUUUU\01 > dirxx
051816 -
051817 -
051818 - ..
051819 - ...runs in 0010. ref OF 1 6C9G
051820 -
051821 - Tried the above command on the command line and it ran.
051822 -
051823 - ..
051824 - Tried using the exact syntax and it ran.
051825 -
051826 - ..
051827 - This suggests there may be a difference between Dose/c dir ... and
051828 - dose /c dir ... which nominally are the same command.
051829 -
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"