440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 29, 2002 06:35 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Millie at Kaiser for PET scan to evaluate blood test for C 15-3.
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PET Scan Test Scheduled for 020529 0700
PET Scan Test to Investigate CA 15-3 at 81 and Cyst 1 CM on Liver
0604 -
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000, ref SDS 15 PD7J.
060602 -
060603 - We arrived in a small mobile trailer for a waiting room. There is a
060604 - sign on the wall saying to wait for a technician.
060606 - ..
060607 - Millie was under the impression that it is necessary to "check in,"
060608 - but there were no instructions for checking in.
060610 - ..
060611 - At 0700 we had not seen a hospital staff person, so I walked to the
060612 - main hospital and talked to a woman in the admitting department. She
060613 - said that patients are supposed to use the phone in the waiting room
060614 - to call and notify the people in the PET scan mobile unit about
060615 - arrival for a PET scan. She said there should be a notice on the
060616 - wall with these instructions.
060617 - ..
060618 - The woman called the PET scan mobile office to notify that
060619 - Millie has arrived.
060621 - ..
060622 - Walked back to the PET scan mobile waiting room. Millie picked up
060623 - the phone in the room and it rang the officed. She confirmed arrival
060624 - for the 0700 meeting. By this time it was 0720. She was told that
060625 - someone would be over to see her in a few minutes.
060627 - ..
060628 - About 0730 a young technician came into the waiting room and asked
060629 - Millie to go with him. He said the procedure will take about 2
060630 - hours.
060631 -
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060635 - ..
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0609 - 0910
0610 -
061001 - Millie completed the PET scan.
061002 -
061003 - We went to the pharacy in the clinic so Millie could get the
061004 - prescription number for the medication that maintains and/or restores
061005 - white blood cells. She does not need the medicine until the day
061006 - before chemotherapy, but wanted to get the information needed to
061007 - expedite filling the prescription.
061009 - ..
061010 - She also needs to notify Doctor Johnson about requesting a CA 15-3
061011 - analysis on the blood test OA 020608 which will be taken in advance of
061012 - the third chemotherapy treatment on 010610.
061014 - ..
061015 - Millie said the person working for Kaiser who did the last blood test
061016 - refused to include analysis of CA 15-3 without a written approval from
061017 - Johnson.
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