440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 7, 2002 05:48 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Government reforms proposed to encourage CEOs to use good management.


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CEOs Failing at Increasing Rate
CEO Poor Execution, Failing
CEOs Silent on Remedies to Correct Abuses Revealed by Enron Collapse
Enron Bad Management Practices CEOs Fail Offer Remedies to Enable Goo
Good Management CEOs Avoid Abuses Revealed by Enron Collapse into Ban

2607 -
2607 -    ..
2608 - Summary/Objective
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260901 - Follow up ref SDS 43 UK4I.
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260903 - Article published by Retuers today explains government proposal to
260904 - require chief executives to attest personally each quarter to the
260905 - accuracy of their financial statements and disclosures, ref OF 15
260906 - 5X5J, in order to encourage CEOs to use good management and avoid
260907 - catastrophic collapse that occurred to Enron, reported on 020204.
260908 - ref SDS 42 0001
260909 -
260910 - To punish accounting-related abuses, top executives would be forced to
260911 - forfeit their bonuses and other compensation. In extreme cases, they
260912 - could be barred from serving as officers or directors for other
260913 - publicly held corporations. ref OF 15 JY6G
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260915 - ...accounting firms would be subject to unprecedented oversight.
260916 - ref OF 15 KY6M
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260918 - "Reforms should begin with accountability.  And reforms should start
260919 - at the top," Bush said, decrying executives who use "artful and
260920 - intricate financial arrangements to hide the true risks" from
260921 - investors. Roughly 80 million Americans own stock, either individually
260922 - or through their pension plans. ref OF 15 G39L
260923 - ..
260924 - But he balked at a proposal by Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill
260925 - that would change legal standards -- from recklessness to negligence
260926 - -- to make it easier to punish executives accused of misleading
260927 - shareholders. ref OF 15 00EK
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