440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 14, 2002 06:25 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Millie leaves to visit Marilyn in Chicago; biopsy scheduled for 020304.


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Wedding Cynthia, Marilyn's Niece, 020214
Marilyn Visit in Chicago for Cynthia's Wedding
Biopsy Examination in 10 Days as a Result of Discomfort Lump Swelling

0705 -
0705 -    ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 2 L67G, ref SDS 1 YN7J.
070702 -
070703 - Millie drove to the City and arrived OA 0300.
070705 -  ..
070706 - She was disappointed that Kaiser has not contacted her about the
070707 - biopsy examination ordered by Doctor Jordon on 020208, but expects
070708 - this will occur next week. ref SDS 3 0001
070710 -  ..
070711 - Got her to airport by about 0330 for United Airline flight as
070712 - follows....
070714 -  ..
070715 - United Airlines              800 241 6522
070716 -      ..
070717 -      Cost.................................................
070718 -      $283.00
070719 -  ..
070720 -  
070721 -          ..
070722 -          Leave Oakland UAL 130...........020214, 0625a Arrive
070723 -          Chicago..................020215. 1224p
070725 -           ..
070726 -          Leave Chicago UAL 143...........020217, 1200p
070727 -          Arrive Oakland..................020217. 0234p
070728 -
070730 -  ..
070731 - Millie reserved a car rental at Avis....
070732 -
070733 -
070734 -
070735 -
070737 -  ..
070738 - For 3 days, approximate rental is..................... $72.78
070739 -
070740 -
070741 -     Confirmation number..................... 48146703US3
070742 -
070744 -  ..
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - 2016
0711 -
071101 - Arrived in Concord this evening, and there was a message on the
071102 - answering machine for Millie to call Kaiser about scheduling the
071103 - biopsy ordered by Doctor Jordon on 020208. ref SDS 3 0001
071104 -
071106 -  ..
0712 -
0713 -
0714 - 2038
0715 -
071501 - Millie called.  She had a good flight, no problems, except we arrived
071502 - too early at the airport this morning and she had to wait around for
071503 - about 20 minutes before they opened the gates to get in.
071505 -  ..
071506 - Advised that Kaiser wants her to call about scheduling the biopsy.
071508 -  ..
071509 - Millie said she also got a message on her office phone from Kaiser,
071510 - and that they have scheduled a meeting on 020304 for a doctor to take
071511 - a biopsy ordered by Doctor Jordon on 020208. ref SDS 3 0001
071512 -
071513 -
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071516 -
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0716 -
