440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 8, 2000 09:10 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

DKR interest in pattern language and object lenses supports SDS.

2...SDS Architecture Integrates Hierarchical and Relational Data Base
3...Universal Patterns from Network Bookkeeping Can Support Com Metrics
4...Context Controlled by Subject, Function, Time, Organizations, People
5...Menus and Usability Supported by Pattern Language Methodologies
6...Communication on Software Engineering Aided by Pattern Language
7...Lens Technology Potentially Aids Semiotics for Mapping Ontology
8...Graphical View Methodologies Not Effective to Manage Complexity

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...May need research task on pattern language for designing


Context Management Organizes Information Augment Intelligence Decisio
Usability Learning Curve, 000825
Pattern Language Aids Menus Effective User Interface, 001008
Semiotics = Communication + Meaning + Inference (Causation = Sequence
GUI Does Not Improve Productivity
Interface SDS Enables Intelligence KM Fast Easy Learn Unique

2308 -
2308 -    ..
2309 - Summary/Objective
2310 -
231001 - Follow up ref SDS 47 0000, ref SDS 46 0000.
231002 -
231003 -
231005 -  ..
2311 -
2312 -
2313 - Progress
231401 -  ..
231402 - SDS Architecture Integrates Hierarchical and Relational Data Base
231403 - Universal Patterns from Network Bookkeeping Can Support Com Metrics
231404 - Context Controlled by Subject, Function, Time, Organizations, People
231405 -
231406 - Follow up ref SDS 47 3294, ref SDS 46 7328.
231407 -
231408 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Jack Park dated 001006 which submits
231409 - resources from the Internet on pattern language.  Jack does not
231410 - explain how this resource relates to an objective of the DKR project.
231412 -  ..
231413 - Pattern Language correlation to HTML is at...
231414 -
231415 -
231416 -
231417 -
231419 -  ..
231420 - On 990804 research funded by NSF reported that SDS and Communication
231421 - Metrics support pattern language modalities. ref SDS 47 3294
231423 -  ..
231424 - In general, "patterns" are basic building blocks of human intellignece
231425 - that give meaning to information under connectionist theory reviewed
231426 - on 900303. ref SDS 2 0052  SDS organic subject structures are a key
231427 - part of pattern management, discussed in POIMS, ref OF 2 1110, and on
231428 - 970116. ref SDS 21 3109
231430 -  ..
231431 - Semiotics is mentioned in the material Jack submits today, in relation
231432 - to language and science. ref DRT 1 6Y6J
231433 -
231434 -     On 000518 Professor Mary Keeler's presentation at SRI offered
231435 -     ideas for applying Peirce's Semiotics to develop knowledge tools.
231436 -     ref SDS 55 8439
231438 -      ..
231439 -     On 000713 research showed Semiotics uses signs and symbols to
231440 -     support meaning, inference and communication. ref SDS 60 4078
231441 -     This may further DKR objectives for augmenting human intelligence
231442 -     and continual learning (Doug calls it continual improvement).
231444 -      ..
231445 -     Semiotics is not actually discussed in the material submitted
231446 -     today, and was not found in a 90 minute review of links.  The
231447 -     underlying resources do not seem to discuss Semiotics, meaning,
231448 -     inference nor communication, per se.
231450 -      ..
231451 -     Need assistance on how this Internet resource supports knowledge
231452 -     acquisition, and in particular what action should be taken to
231453 -     implement the ideas.
231454 -
231455 -         Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 asking for assistance applying
231456 -         pattern language to DKR effort.
231457 -
231458 -            [On 001010 Jan is unfamiliar with Semiotics, but will
231459 -            investigate and respond. ref SDS 63 0001
231461 -             ..
231462 -            [On 001013 sent letter to Jack Park on this issue.
231463 -            ref SDS 65 7480
231465 -             ..
231466 -            [On 001016 Jack does not comment on pattern language.
231467 -            ref SDS 66 7480
231468 -         ..
231469 -         Cite role of alphabet technology from review on 991108,
231470 -         ref SDS 49 5628, which Jan's work in pattern language may
231471 -         enhance. ref DIT 1 LY7N
231473 -          ..
231474 -         Sent copy to DKR team and to Cliff at LANL.
231476 -  ..
231477 - The underlying resource provide papers on pattern language, but no
231478 - explanation nor illustration that indicates knowledge acquisition, nor
231479 - any particular objective of the DKR project.
231481 -  ..
231482 - The initial web page Jack cites appears to have been updated on
231483 - 000929.  General review of links indicates the work is dated prior to
231484 - 1996, i.e., there is no ongoing effort to advance Pattern Language
231485 - applications at this Internet resource.
231486 -
231487 -
231489 -  ..
231490 - Menus and Usability Supported by Pattern Language Methodologies
231491 -
231492 - Some material at...
231493 -
231494 -     
231495 -
231496 - ...provides important information on designing menus, which entails
231497 - trade offs between empowerment and control (also guidance and
231498 - structure), explained as follows...
231499 -
231500 -       Here is the dilemma in a nutshell. We must structure the
231501 -       interface, because without structure there is no leverage. We
231502 -       mustn't structure the interface, because structure takes away
231503 -       the user's experience of being in control of the machine instead
231504 -       of the other way round.
231505 -       ..
231506 -       The artistic "liberating structure" debate arises once
231507 -       again! Short circuiting hours (days weeks months years) of
231508 -       debate, structure liberates, as long as it eliminates
231509 -       unnecessary decisions on one axis in order to open up decisions
231510 -       on another.
231512 -  ..
231513 - Why not just let users build the menus they want, and explain them
231514 - the way they want?  DKR team seems to call this extensibility???
231516 -  ..
231517 - Examination of other web pages indicates much of the work on pattern
231518 - language is applied in desiging menus.
231520 -  ..
231521 - Menu design impacts Doug's objective for enabling people to learn and
231522 - use the DKR system, discussed recently with Brian Lincoln, reported on
231523 - 000825. ref SDS 61 PX3M
231524 -                                  ..
231525 -      May need research task on pattern language for designing
231526 -      graduated usability, per Doug. ref SDS 61 PX3M
231527 -
231528 -
231530 -  ..
231531 - Communication on Software Engineering Aided by Pattern Language
231532 -
231533 - There is a quote in the material Jack submitted...
231534 -
231535 -      My current idea is that HCI, software engineering, and
231536 -      application domain experts express their experience and
231537 -      guidelines as pattern languages, which are then exchanged to
231538 -      facilitate communication in interdisciplinary design teams. The
231539 -      result would be an interdisciplinary pattern language framework.
231540 -      I have defined a formal notation for this, and I am evaluating
231541 -      it, using my experience in interactive music exhibit design as an
231542 -      example."
231544 -  ..
231545 - Software engineering and facilitating communication, also, expressed
231546 - as "collaboration" are objectives of the DKR project.
231547 -         ..
231548 -     a.  On 000406 Adam Cheyer cited better tools for software
231549 -         engineering as the initial deliverable of the DKR project.
231550 -         ref SDS 53 5078
231552 -          ..
231553 -     b.  On 000601 Doug Engelbart suggested starting with software
231554 -         development documents, determining multiple views we'd like,
231555 -         and transcoding/translating into that form. ref SDS 56 7238
231557 -          ..
231558 -     c.  On 000614 Eric Armstrong reported that software engineers are
231559 -         reluctant to adopt new tools, and a result CDS requirements do
231560 -         not directly enhance software programming. ref SDS 57 5826
231562 -          ..
231563 -     d.  On 000615 the DKR team reported OHS would adopt CDS
231564 -         requirements. ref SDS 58 2808
231566 -  ..
231567 - This indicates that pattern language for software engineering may not
231568 - be a fruitful investment of time for DKR team at this time, under
231569 - analysis in the letter to the DKR team on 001004. ref SDS 62 P86I
231570 - however, pattern language for communication aligns with the initial
231571 - goal Eric cites of improving collaboration, in that the name of Eric's
231572 - system is Collaborative Document System (CDS), reported on 000505.
231573 - ref SDS 54 4392
231574 -
231575 -
231576 -
231577 -
231578 -
2316 -

Lens OHS View Email Archive, 000830
Lens Graphical Technology at Xerox Parc, Correlation to DKR?
Graphics Not Effective for KM Improving Productivity
Graphical User Interface
Lens Mouse Interface Implements Augment Control and Keying Hand, Shel
Magic Lens Graphical Mouse Developed Xerox Parc, 000108
Lens Mouse Executes Commands without Function Keys
Lens Implements Augment View Control, 001010, Sheldon
Multiple Views Difficult to Maintain, Eric Armstrong
Augment Productivity Views Hard to Implement on Traditional Keyboard
Hyperscope Name of Translate/Transcode Program for OHS, Doug Engelbar
Hyperlens Name of Translate/Transcode Program for OHS, Doug Engelbart
Tscope Name of Translate/Transcode Program for OHS, Doug Engelbart
Lens Graphical Methods Cannot Manage Complexity
Complexity Ontology Pandaora's Box of Complexity Ontology, Jack Park
Graphical Maps Complexity Overshelms Topic Maps Lens Technology, Eric

4718 -
471901 -  ..
471902 - Lens Technology Potentially Aids Semiotics for Mapping Ontology
471903 -
471904 - Received ref DRT 2 0001 from Doug Engelbart dated 000106 submitting
471905 - resources for work underway at Xerox Parc on graphcial Magic lens
471906 - technology.  Doug requests suggestions on how this might apply to DKR
471907 - objectives?
471909 -  ..
471910 - Doug is now calling the OHS prototype a Hyper Scope, or TScope.
471911 - ref DRT 2 5E5L
471912 -
471913 -      [On 001025 Doug submits launch plan for OHS that explains a
471914 -      Hyperscope, but does not mention lens technology. ref SDS 67 A5U6
471915 -
471916 -      [On 001030 Jack Park found Hyperscope and Hyperlens are being
471917 -      using by others. ref SDS 68 ADK1
471919 -  ..
471920 - Review of following Internet resources...
471921 -
471922 -     94CHIFilters:
471923 -
471924 -
471925 -
471926 -     LenseTaxonomy:
471928 -      ..
471929 -
471931 -      ..
471932 -     93Siggraph:
471934 -      ..
471935 -
471936 -
471937 -
471938 - ...indicates powerful methods of accessing information using a Magic
471939 - Lens for a graphical filter by placing a pointer (more commonly
471940 - "mouse) on different parts of a picture to identify particular types
471941 - of information for viewing, or executing different commands to improve
471942 - productivity relative to GUI menu methods.
471944 -  ..
471945 - This may be a way to accomplish objectives for the OHS to support
471946 - multiple views, discussed on 000601, ref SDS 56 7238, and topic maps
471947 - proposed by Jack Park on 000403. ref SDS 52 1144  On 000623 Jack
471948 - proposed an engine to create an ontology. ref SDS 59 2915
471949 -
471950 -     [On 001010 Sheldon reports Xerox Parc may not have been successful
471951 -     because technology was not consistent; work was stopped in 1996 or
471952 -     1997. ref SDS 64 5RW6
471954 -      ..
471955 -     [...Sheldon applying lens technology to provide productivity
471956 -     achieved by Augment for the OHS. ref SDS 64 G8R3
471958 -      ..
471959 -     [On 001113 Ken Holman discussed Topic Maps. ref SDS 69 3Q5M
471960 -
471962 -  ..
471963 - Graphical View Methodologies Not Effective to Manage Complexity
471964 -
471965 - Eric Armstrong submitted a letter recently saying graphical diagrams
471966 - for dialog and topic maps and used to guide communications with
471967 - methods like IBIS, discussed on 000218, ref SDS 50 0785, work well for
471968 - simple communications, but become ineffective when complexity
471969 - increases because people cannot distinguish a lot of details, as can
471970 - be done with text. Under these conditions graphical mapping of
471971 - communication causes more confusion looking like a plate of spagetti.
471972 -
471973 -     Previously, on 000221 Jack Park explained ontology is a Pandora's
471974 -     Box of complexity. ref SDS 51 7455
471976 -      ..
471977 -     One approach to the complexity issue is to provide levels of
471978 -     refinement.  CAD/CAM tools are able to mange complexity very well
471979 -     by enabling people to looks at things from different levels of
471980 -     detail.  This takes a lot of time and expense, but for important
471981 -     matters, that may be a better solution than allowing communication
471982 -     to fail.
471984 -  ..
471985 - Possibly the lens technology Doug is planning for the OHS gives
471986 - graphical methods more power to manage complexity.
471987 -
471988 -     [On 001113 Eric submits notes on a meeting at SRI where Ken Holman
471989 -     discussed graphical representation using topic maps.
471990 -     ref SDS 69 3Q5M
471992 -      ..
471993 -     [On 010312 Eric commented picture takes 1,000 words to explain.
471994 -     ref SDS 70 Q56M
471996 -      ..
471997 -     [On 010912 Eric made this point again. ref SDS 71 0001
471999 -      ..
472000 -     [On 010914 Eric submits detailed analysis indicating graphical
472001 -     representation is not effective for daily Knowledge Management
472002 -     work. ref SDS 72 UU8N
472004 -      ..
472005 -     [On 030317 Jeff Conklin recommends dialog mapping for meetings
472006 -     where people observe diagrams unfold; less effective for other
472007 -     communications when complexity exceeds span of attention.
472008 -     ref SDS 1 XU7L
472009 -
472010 -
472011 -
472012 -
472013 -
472014 -
472015 -
472016 -
472017 -
472018 -