440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: August 30, 2000 02:21 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Marketing ideas requested for OHS/DKR.
2...Advantages OHS/DKR
3...Open Source License
4...Enterprise Projects Funded Consortium IBM, HP, Intel, NEC
5...Meeting Doug Engelbart and Grant Bowman on OHS Development Goals
6...Goal Improve Software Development Through Collaboration Using Email
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OHS/DKR Development Plan for Target Audience, Grant Bowman
Audience Develop OHS to Meet Demand, Grant Bowman
Browser Requirements OHS Based on Target Audience, Grant Bowman
Marketing Sheet OHS/DKR, Froge Hegland
Market Conditions DKR
Market Potential
ZWiki-style Collaborative Document System, 000427
Comment Procedures Wiki Require Discipline Play DKR, Tricky, Risky, 0
Zwiki Slow Progress Toward OHS/DKR Objectives
Marketing Ideas Requested from Team
Williams, Joe
1513 - ..
1514 - Summary/Objective
1515 -
151501 - Follow up ref SDS 37 0000, ref SDS 35 0000.
151502 -
151503 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Frode Hegland requesting the SRI team
151504 - for the OHS/DKR to submit ideas to explain benefits of system for
151505 - marketing.
151506 -
151507 - OK, it's time to get down and dirty and put together a marketing
151508 - sheet for OHS. I say 'sheet' as we definitively do not want a long
151509 - document. ref DRT 1 0001
151510 -
151511 - So, please post one or two things you think should be included.
151512 - Brevity is golden here. ref DRT 1 JJ5K
151513 -
151514 - Why is OHS better?
151515 -
151516 - What are the benefits to using OHS?
151517 -
151518 - I'll compile the replies, edit it, post it on a Web page and wait
151519 - for you guys to hack it to pieces so we can start all over again!
151520 - ref DRT 1 JJ6J
151521 -
151522 - This supplements the letter, ref DRP 6 0001, from Grant Bowman
151523 - received on 000812, ref SDS 37 0001, on defining needs and desires of
151524 - a target audience for version 1a of the system. ref DRP 6 E06H
151525 -
151526 - Froge's letter today further relates to pricing ideas on 000812.
151527 - ref SDS 37 6RP3
151528 -
151529 -
151530 -
151531 - ..
1516 -
1517 -
1518 - 1409 received letter from Joe Williams
1519 -
151901 - Received ref DRT 3 0001 from Joe Williams responding to Froge's call
151902 - for marketing ideas.
151903 -
151904 - Joe suggests using the team's Wiki web side to develop marketing
151905 - ideas, possibly to demonstrate advantages of the OHS/DKR. ref DRT 3
151906 - 0001
151907 -
151908 - On 000614 Eric Armstrong proposed that using Wiki enables each
151909 - contributor to "play DKR." ref SDS 27 IH7I
151910 -
151911 - At that time, it was noted that keeping up a Knowledge Space is
151912 - hard work, and that engineers don't like to do Knowledge Management
151913 - work. ref SDS 27 UJ9F
151914 -
151915 - On 000727 slow progress on Wiki reported. ref SDS 33 9000
151916 -
151917 - [On 010218 wiki used by Brint to sponsor DKR hosted by Denham Grey,
151918 - indicates attribution leads to social pathologies. ref SDS 48 FC6L
151919 -
151920 -
151921 -
151922 -
151923 -
151924 -
1520 -
Advantages Benefits OHS/DKR
Scalable, 000125
Williams, Joe
180501 - ..
180502 - Advantages OHS/DKR
180503 -
180504 - Follow up ref SDS 7 1248, ref SDS 6 0896.
180505 -
180506 - On 000327 Doug Engelbart explained advantages of Knowledge Management
180507 - for handling daily working information. ref SDS 8 3971
180508 -
180509 - On 000718 SRI proposal to NASA identifies advantages of DKR.
180510 - ref SDS 30 9W9R
180511 -
180512 - Joe lists following advantages of OHS/DKR...
180513 -
180514 - 1. OHS leverages years of Doug's augment experience into a package
180515 - allowing universal use on WWW. ref DRT 3 EK5J
180516 -
180517 - 2. Uses for hyperdocuments in the processing of knowledege for
180518 - solving big problems envisioned and implemented by Doug's
180519 - projects in experimental form can now be developed for
180520 - widespread use. ref DRT 3 VK5N
180521 -
180522 - 3. Open source open standard computer tools coevolution unfinished
180523 - revolution augmentation of adaptive interactive WWW interface.
180524 - ref DRT 3 YK6J
180525 - ..
180526 - 4. OHS is human optimized knowledge domain management web
180527 - interface, scalable from use as a personal organizer to serving
180528 - as a highly collaborative long-lived distributed shared
180529 - repository for work on urgent problems that face mankind.
180530 - ref DRT 3 AL6O
180531 -
180532 - Aligns with Roy Roebuck's proposal for scalable DKR system
180533 - on 000125. ref SDS 4 2850
180534 -
180535 - [On 001220 Gary Johnson concurred that scability is
180536 - needed for OHS. ref SDS 47 TQ4H
180537 -
180538 - 6. OHS development uses all that is appropriate and pushes that
180539 - envelope. Where OHS feature implementations use
180540 - non-standardized extensions or interfaces for the purpose of
180541 - creating a feature not otherwise possible, OHS will cooperate
180542 - with appropriate standards bodies for release to the WWW
180543 - community. ref DRT 3 JL7M
180544 -
180545 - I also have some words at
180546 -
180547 -
180548 -
180549 -
180550 -
180551 -
180552 -
1806 -
License Open Source
Proposal on License
Participation Rights of Contributors
Assignments Require Authority
Open Source Assignments Require Authority
Open Source Causes Disputes Delays Progress
Management Cannot Make Assignments
Disputes About License and Ownership
251001 - ..
251002 - Open Source License
251003 -
251004 - Follow up ref SDS 35 0001.
251005 -
251006 - Received ref DRT 2 0001 from Paul Fernhout expressing appreciation for
251007 - extra effort Eugene Kim is making to address open source licensing
251008 - issues, following up announcement on 000802 that the SRI team for the
251009 - DKR has adopted an open source license. ref SDS 35 0001
251010 -
251011 - The letter in part reflects challenge of open source issues that are
251012 - complex and so viewed by different contributors in different ways and
251013 - varying levels of concern, as a predicate to making progress on the
251014 - work.
251015 -
251016 - [On 000831 Paul objects to Permission to Use clause in open source
251017 - development planning. ref SDS 42 T30F
251018 -
251019 -
251020 -
2511 -
Market Conditions DKR
Enterprise Projects Consortium HP IBM Intel NEC Funding, 000830
Evaluate Market Conditions
Killer Application Comm Collaboration Enterprise Knowledge Managem
310601 - ..
310602 - Enterprise Projects Funded Consortium IBM, HP, Intel, NEC
310603 -
310604 - Received ref DRT 4 0001 from Gil Regev, who is a DKR team contributor
310605 - in Switzerland. Gil attended a meeting at SRI on 000615, and
310606 - presented a flow charting system he has developed to support Knowledge
310607 - Management. ref SDS 28 C55F
310608 -
310609 - Today, Gil submits in his letter a reference...
310610 -
310611 -
310612 -,1367,38505,00.html
310613 -
310614 -
310615 - ...and provides an excerpt that explains...
310616 -
310617 - Hewlett-Packard, Intel, IBM, and NEC are joining together to fund
310618 - an independent, nonprofit laboratory to help speed the development
310619 - and testing of enterprise-targeted Linux projects.
310620 -
310621 - [On 000919 KM project looking for KM ideas. ref SDS 43 0001
310622 -
310623 - [On 000920 received notice of another KM project. ref SDS 44
310624 - 0001
310625 -
310626 - Lab staff will not focus on creating new projects themselves;
310627 - instead, they will help accelerate existing or new open-source
310628 - projects.
310629 -
310630 - The initial lab projects will be officially announced later in the
310631 - year after an open, neutral process for choosing projects can be
310632 - formulated and agreed
310633 -
310646 -
310647 -
310648 -
310649 -
3107 -
Design OHS Architecture Translate Text to XML, HTML
Collaboration Helps Everyone
Collaborative Document System, Email, Eric, 000505
Software Programming Initial Objective, 000406
Email Core Capability DKR, Eric, 000505
Collaboration Objective DKR,
OHS Lense View Email Archive, 000830
Collaboration, Core Capability DKR - Email, Eric, 000505
Email Core Capability DKR, Collaboration, Eric, 000505
Email OHS Lense View Archive, 000830
Software Programming Multiple Views, Doug, 000601
Collaboration Email Initial Phase Improve Software Development for OH
Meeting Doug Engelbart on OHS Scope
461501 - ..
461502 - Meeting Doug Engelbart and Grant Bowman on OHS Development Goals
461503 - Goal Improve Software Development Through Collaboration Using Email
461504 -
461505 - Follow up ref SDS 39 0001, ref SDS 38 0001.
461506 -
461507 - Received ref DRT 5 0001 from Grant Bowman explaining a meeting on OHS
461508 - development with Doug Engelbart, Jayson Minard and Jeff Fredrick of
461509 - on Tuesday August 29th at 4:00. Grant had met
461510 - Jayson previously during a presentation they gave called the
461511 - OpenIndustry Forum a few months back and had a good discussion with
461512 - him and a few of my collegues from SuSE. ref DRT 5 VP5M
461513 -
461514 - [On 001012 Grant submits another letter on a meeting about
461515 - architecture for the OHS and DKR system. ref SDS 46 0001
461516 -
461517 - This meeting reflects planning on 000815 reported by Eugene Kim for
461518 - Doug to finalize architecture. ref SDS 16 LJ4L
461519 - ..
461520 - Grant makes the following points....
461521 -
461522 - 1. Discussed common objectives to improve collaboration.
461523 - ref DRT 5 ET6J
461524 -
461525 - Openavenue has a goal to "bring the religion of collaboration
461526 - to open source." They also mentioned something about Extreme
461527 - Programming; this was not explained clearly during the meeting.
461528 -
461529 - Key points about OHS support for software development...
461530 -
461531 - 1. any company of size develops software internally of
461532 - some type, ref DRT 5 KT7H
461533 -
461534 - 2. almost all software work is collaborative, ref DRT 5
461535 - LT7J
461536 -
461537 - Improving software development aligns with goal on 000406 at
461538 - SRI meeting. ref SDS 9 5078
461539 -
461540 - Proposal to NASA proposed improving collaboration by adding
461541 - annotations to email, reported 000718. ref SDS 30 9W9R
461542 -
461543 - 2. Similarities between Collective IQ, groupware, outsorcing and
461544 - clubs were reviewed. ref DRT 5 FU7L
461545 -
461546 - "Staging through knowledge domains" is a concept of knowledge
461547 - about different subjects that overlap, i.e., the distinctions
461548 - are not always entirely clear. ref DRT 5 6Y7O
461549 -
461550 - 3. Conventional software development in a corporate environment
461551 - was discussed.
461552 - ..
461553 - 4. Doug asked about present tools of conventional software
461554 - development, including source code control, etc. We talked
461555 - about this offline as well. It is of course a barbaric way to
461556 - control anything, make a copy and lock the original, then check
461557 - it back in. You never had to do that with Augment, but this to
461558 - my mind is still mostly state of the art. Tools like ClearCase
461559 - where you edit in place with a virtual filesystem on top are by
461560 - far the exception. CVS is common in Open Source circles.
461561 - ref DRT 5 2Z8K
461562 -
461563 - This aligns with the meeting on 000406 where software
461564 - engineering was first product for OHS/DKR to support.
461565 - ref SDS 9 5078
461566 - ..
461567 - 5. We described the OHS as a lense used to view existing
461568 - email archives first. We talked about the similar function of
461569 - NNTP, mail lists, Web forums, etc. They developed a tool
461570 - internally called Rainbow. SuSE has developed a ticket
461571 - tracking system for support internally called STTS. I
461572 - implemented a ticketing system for internal IS functions that's
461573 - open source called WREQ. SuSE internally is looking for some
461574 - better options for our professional services group. ref DRT 5
461575 - QZ9J
461576 -
461577 - On 000518 Mary Keeler explained a "lens" idea for knowledge
461578 - management. ref SDS 20 2812
461579 -
461580 - Proposal to NASA proposed improving collaboration by adding
461581 - annotations to email, reported 000718. ref SDS 30 9W9R
461582 -
461583 - [On 001010 Sheldon reports progress developing lens for OHS.
461584 - ref SDS 45 G8R3
461585 -
461586 - 6. OpenAvenue has based their tools on the "publish and
461587 - submission" model. I like this term since it captures quite a
461588 - bit. They have a few unique tools that they want to open
461589 - source parts of. This code is embeded in proprietary code too,
461590 - specifically StarTeam. ref DRT 5 GI4H
461591 -
461592 - 7. They are located in Scotts Valley, they call it Silicon Beach.
461593 - We invited them to see this mail list in particular. I hope
461594 - they read this and can add another perspective. ref DRT 5 UI4M
461595 -
461596 -
461597 -
461598 -
461599 -
461600 -
461601 -
461602 -
461603 -
4617 -